Guides for e-learning tools

Adding people to the e-course

You can add teachers, learners and guests to an e-course. Giving people access to an e-course is also possible in the role of the programme director.

  • Teacher has all the rights in the course: to create and edit a course, to communicate with and grade the learners.
  • Learners can participate in the course and do what the teacher has assigned.
  • Guests do not enter Moodle with their own username and password. They can only view the course, but cannot use Moodle activities (e.g. forums, tests, tasks). To enter as a guest, you usually need a key/password, which is given by the course teacher.

1. Adding learners

Learners can be added to a course using three enrolment methods: from SIS (recommended), manual enrolment, self enrolment with or without key.

After students have been added to the e-course, the course title appears on Dashboard in the Moodle front page and the student can enter the course by clicking the course title.

A. From SIS

Enrolment from the SIS is the easiest and the most accurate method. With just one click, all learners who have registered for the course in the SIS are automatically added to the e-course, usernames are generated for them in Moodle, if necessary, and an e-mail is sent to them with necessary information. To add learners to the e-course, there must be a connection between the course syllabus in the SIS and the e-course. If you have created a blank Moodle e-course from the syllabus in the SIS, such connection is made automatically. To create the connection from the SIS, the syllabus of the respective course must be marked in the SIS as blended or online.

To change the syllabus into web-based (if it has not been done yet):

  • open the syllabus in the SIS and click the button Change basic data of syllabus
  • in the dropdown menu at Form of study, choose Blended or Online

To create a link between the syllabus in the SIS and the Moodle e-course:

  • in the SIS next to the syllabus click the button Manage Moodle connections.
  • in the opening window Moodle connections click Connect with existing Moodle course
  • create the connection by entering the short name of Moodle e-course, which can be copied from the Moodle e-course (in the course select Dashboard or SettingsCourse administration – Edit settings, Short name)
NB! Verify the short name of the Moodle e-course to avoid making a connection with a wrong e-course and transferring learners to a wrong e-course.

To automatically transfer learners by overnight sync:

  • Next to the syllabus in the SIS, in the window Moodle connections in the line Overnight transfer of learners click Start. After you click Start, the first automatic sync of learners takes place overnight. After that, the list of Moodle learners is updated once a day on the basis of the list of students who have registered for the course in the SIS.

To immediately transfer learners:

  • in the line Overnight transfer of learners click Start
  • click the button Update Moodle course learners

If you do not click the last button, the automatic sync of learners activates during the next night. Automatic transfer of learners from the SIS to Moodle can be stopped by clicking Overnight transfer of learners and then Stop.

Persons who have registered for the course and hold the username of the UT computer network are added to the Moodle e-course in a learner status and they will receive the respective notice by e-mail. Learners who do not have an e-mail address in the SIS cannot be added to a Moodle e-course and an error message is displayed for these persons. Add these learners to the e-course by manual enrolment or send them a key with which they can access the course. Entering their e-mail address is compulsory for new SIS users. However, those who have received a username earlier may not have their e-mail address recorded in their user account.

For persons who have registered for the course but do not hold a username (e.g. those registered for continuing education courses), a Moodle user account is created automatically and account information is sent to them by e-mail.

If you have created the connection between the syllabus in the SIS and the Moodle e-course and started overnight transfer of learners, the SIS will automatically exchange learner data with the respective e-course every night throughout the semester. Those who have registered for the course in the SIS are added to the Moodle e-course and those who have cancelled their registration in the SIS are unenrolled. Users who have been manually enrolled to the e-course in Moodle cannot be automatically unenrolled from the e-course.

NB! Learners can be added to an e-course from different syllabuses in the SIS (both regular and block mode). It is important that all these syllabuses have a connection with the respective e-course and the overnight transfer of learners has been enabled.

Forming groups and groupings

If learners have registered into groups at the SIS syllabus and the learners are transferred to the e-course, similar groups are automatically set up in the e-course at the moment the learners are transferred and the learners are added to the groups. In addition, a grouping is created in the Moodle course, where the groups of the corresponding syllabus are placed.

Principles of setting up groups:

  • groups similar to the groups in the SIS are automatically created in the e-course, the name of the group also reflects the semester, study form and language in the Moodle course, e.g. Group 1 22/23 K PÕ, Group 1 22/23 K SÕ Eng
  • in an e-course, a grouping is created, where the SIS groups of the corresponding syllabus are placed. The name of the grouping reflects the subject code, semester, study form and language, e.g. P2OO.001 K SÕ
  • when learner data is updated from the SIS, also the composition of the SIS groups in Moodle is updated (e.g. if someone unenrols from the SIS group they will also be removed from the respective group in Moodle; if someone moves into another group in the SIS, the group is also changed in Moodle). Updating does not affect groups and the composition of groups that the teacher has ceated manually in the e-course.
  • in an e-course the learner can be in one SIS group plus in other groups which have been created by the teacher or to which the learner has been added
  • if among e-course participants there are learners from several SIS syllabuses that contain groups, the groups and groupings will be created in the e-course on the basis of both syllabuses. Learners who have registered for both courses may belong to more than one SIS group in the e-course.

B. Manual enrolment

Manual enrolment of learners is a good option if the teacher knows all the learners’ names and correct spelling of the names, if learners already have a valid Moodle username (they have entered Moodle), if there are not too many learners, and for some reason the learners have not registered for the course in the SIS. To enrol learners manually:

  • click in the menu Settings – Users – Enrolled users
  • in the top right corner, click the button Enrol users
  • select the suitable role in the dropdown Assign roles
  • enter a learner’s surname in the search field
  • click on the name and search for the next learner
  • by clicking “Show more…” you can set whether the learners’ old grades in the course are recovered (learners’ grades can be recovered within 365 days and if learners were manually unenrolled from the course earlier)
  • when you have finished, click the Enrol selected users button
NB! Users who are manually enrolled must also be manually unenrolled from the course after the end of the course, and their grades cannot be imported from the e-course to the SIS exam results report.

C. Self enrolment (with or without key)

Self enrolment is suitable if there are many learners in the course and there is no information whether or not they have their Moodle usernames approved, and if there are learners of different subjects in one e-course and if the teacher does not want to create a SIS exam results report based on the e-course grading table, etc. In this case, learners can access the Moodle e-course using the key they receive from the teacher.

Self enrolment page can be accessed from SettingsUsersEnrolment methods – Self enrolment (Student).

In the self enrolment settings you can set the enrolment key. The key may be a random combination of characters (letters and numbers), but it is recommended to use a word which learners can enter without making too many mistakes. You can see the entered key when you click the eye symbol next to the field. Save the changes and send instructions for further activities to the learners. If you use the self enrolment method, you can send the instructions (course name, web address and key) to learners who have registered for the course in the SIS by an e-mail via the SIS.

NB! Users who have accessed the course through self enrolment must be unenrolled manually from the course after the end of the course, and their grades cannot be imported from the e-course to the SIS exam results report.

2. Adding teachers

A. From SIS

If you order a blank Moodle e-course from the SIS, you are immediately assigned to the course as a teacher/designer. Also your colleagues who are connected with the respective SIS syllabus are assigned. Therefore, please make sure that all teachers are added to the syllabus the SIS.

If teachers connected with the course are exchanged in the SIS, the respective data in the Moodle e-course can be changed at the course syllabus by clicking Refresh information in Moodle.

Adding adjunct instructors to Moodle course

If the teacher is not a UT employee, but is performing an adjunct instructor task with an agency contract, he must first be added to the syllabus/program as a lecturer by the academic affairs specialist or programme director. Select “Manage Moodle connections”, click Refresh information in Moodle and the person completing the adjunct instructor task will be added as a course instructor in Moodle.

  • If the adjunct instructor has an account on the university’s computer network, he will be added to Moodle with this account. The agency contract must be active during this period. If the period of the agency contract ends and the person performing the adjunct instrucot task logs in to Moodle, the university’s computer network user account in Moodle will be converted to a local Moodle account (access to the course in the role of a lecturer is preserved).
  • If the adjunct instructor does not have an account on the university’s computer network, a Moodle local username will be automatically created and e-mailed to the adjunct instructor, and he will be assigned as a teacher of the Moodle e-course.

B. Manual

In a Moodle e-course also persons who are not entered as lecturers of the respective syllabus in the SIS can be added manually as teachers. The persons who hold the username of the UT computer network must first activate their user account in Moodle (enter Moodle and complete their user information) – and thereafter it is possible to search for them among Moodle users and add them to the course.

If you want to add your colleagues to a course as a teacher,

  • click in the menu Settings – Users – Enrolled users
  • in the top right corner, click the button Enrol users
  • select the suitable role in the dropdown Assign roles
  • enter the teacher’s surname in the search field
  • click on the name and search for the next teacher
  • when you have finished, click the Enrol selected users button

3. Adding guests

If you want guests – people who do not have a UT username and password – to access your course, you can open your course for guests. Guests can only view the content of the course but not edit the content or participate in activities (e.g. perform tests, use the forum, submit homework).

To allow guest access:

  • in the menu on the left click SettingsUsersEnrolment methods
  • select from the dropdown in the main window Guest access (ensure that Guest access is enabled (has its eye open))
  • now click the cogwheel icon at Guest access and add the key
  • save the changes you made in the page
  • send the web address and access key of the course to the guest

The key may be a random combination of characters (letters and numbers), but it is recommended to use a word which the guest can enter without making too many mistakes. You can see the entered key when you click the eye next to the key field. Save the changes and send the instructions for further activities to the guest.

NB! Guests do not enter Moodle with their own Moodle username and password.