Terms of use of Panopto
If you want to use the University of Tartu’s Panopto cloud service, you must agree to the terms of use. For further information, email eope@ut.ee.
I. General
1.1. Panopto is a video management system used as a cloud service by the University of Tartu (“university”) at https://ut.cloud.panopto.eu for recording, uploading, managing and live webcasting videos related to the university’s teaching and studies, research and administrative activities.
1.2. Panopto’s service provider and processor is Panopto EMEA Limited, White Collar Factory, 1 Old Street Yard, EC1Y 8AF, United Kingdom.
1.3. The controller of personal data related to Panopto is the University of Tartu, registry code 74001073, address Ülikooli 18, 50090 Tartu, Estonia, email address info@ut.ee.
1.4. Panopto users (“users”) are the university staff, students, continuing education learners and guests who have a Panopto user account (“account”) and who record, upload or watch the videos.
1.5. To record and upload videos or view videos with restricted access, the user must log in to Panopto via the University of Tartu’s Moodle (“Moodle”) by clicking on the “Log in” button. The user is then directed to the Moodle login page, where they choose to log in either as a UT student and staff member (with a university account) or as a continuing learner (with a Moodle account).
1.6. It is not necessary to log in to Panopto to watch a public video or a video available via a link.
1.7. Based on the decision of the university’s Academic Affairs Committee of 12 September 2024, the following Panopto video retention policy has been established:
- videos are stored on Panopto permanently or until their authors delete or consent to delete them;
- deleted videos are sent to the recycle bin. They can be recovered from the recycle bin within three months and, after that, are deleted permanently;
- videos that have not been viewed within the last 13 months will be automatically archived;
- archived videos cannot be viewed, but logged-in users of Panopto (incl. learners) can restore and view them within 48 hours.
II. Creating and deleting an account
2.1. After logging in to Panopto with a university or Moodle learner’s account, the user will automatically have a Panopto account.
2.2. For university employees, students, and continuing education learners participating in degree courses, their name and surname, UT username, university email address or, in its absence, personal email address are transferred to Panopto from the university’s central human resources database. For continuing education learners, their name and surname, Moodle username and personal email address are transferred to Panopto from their Moodle account.
2.3. Panopto accounts are stored in the Panopto database. Upon the end of studies, termination of the employment contract or guest relationship, the UT user account becomes inactive, and it is no longer possible to log in with it. When a continuing education learner’s account is deleted from Moodle, the learner will not be able to log in to Panopto.
2.4. When a former user has a new relationship with the university as a learner, staff member or guest, and their UT user account is reactivated, they can use it to log in to Panopto.
2.5. Once a year, the university deletes from Panopto the accounts of users
2.5.1 who have Viewer rights in Panopto and who have not logged in to Panopto for three years;
2.5.2 who have Creator rights in Panopto but do not own any videos and have not logged in to Panopto for three years.
2.6. The user may request the deletion of their account at any time. Such request must be emailed to eope@ut.ee. The account is deleted within two weeks of receiving the request.
III. Rights, obligations and liability of the user
3.1. Users are granted the rights to create video content (Creator) or view videos (Viewer) in certain Panopto folders, according to Moodle course roles or Panopto administrators’ settings.
3.1.1. The Creator can record, upload and edit videos and webcast videos live.
3.1.2. The Viewer can view videos, answer questions in videos, and add public comments and personal or public notes to the video.
3.2. Users can search and view Panopto videos that are public and available to the user or all university members.
3.3. Video creators can grant Creator or Viewer rights to a user for a folder of videos or an individual video.
3.4. When using the account, the user must take all measures to prevent third persons from accessing it. If this has happened, the user must immediately change their password and email arvutiabi@ut.ee to request to close their account temporarily.
3.5. When using Panopto, any activity that can prejudice the functioning of Panopto or the university’s reputation or that is contrary to the law is prohibited. Examples of prohibited activities include, but are not limited to, overloading Panopto with queries, adding unsafe or illegal content to the system, copyright violations, attempts to access other users’ accounts, or other objectionable conduct or contribution to such conduct. If prohibited activity is identified, the university has the right to restrict the user’s access to Panopto.
IV. Rights and responsibilities of service provider
4.1. The service is provided 24 hours a day, except during maintenance, of which the university notifies users on the front page of Panopto.
4.2. A secure connection (HTTPS) must be used for Panopto.
4.3. Panopto is hosted on servers located in Ireland, in the territory of the European Union.
4.4. The Panopto servers and database software are subject to regular security updates.
4.5. The service provider regularly backs up Panopto following the provider’s general requirements.
4.6. The service provider stores videos according to the principles provided in clause 1.7.
V. Rights, obligations and liability of the university
5.1. The university has the right to use Panopto for creating and managing videos for the purposes of teaching and studies, research and administration.
5.2. The university must ensure users’ access to Panopto via the university’s Moodle and prevent unauthorised access.
5.3. Economic rights to the videos uploaded to Panopto belong to the university, and moral rights belong to the authors.
5.4. The university has the right to unilaterally amend the principles specified in clause 1.7 by notifying users.
5.5. During maintenance, the use of Panopto is blocked or interrupted, and a maintenance message is displayed to the user. Users are notified of maintenance on the Panopto front page.
5.6. The university provides Panopto user support at eope@ut.ee.
5.7. The university reserves the right to require Panopto users to delete videos that have become obsolete or have been created for testing purposes.
5.8. The university is not responsible for Panopto malfunctions caused by circumstances beyond the university’s control.
VI. Personal data protection
6.1. The university discloses personal data only to persons holding Panopto administrator rights, to users when they share the right of managing or viewing videos with other users, and to other persons if the disclosure is required by law. When sharing the right to manage or view a video, the user can see other users’ names, surnames, usernames and email addresses.
6.2. As a controller, the university processes the following personal data on Panopto:
6.2.1. the user’s name and surname;
6.2.2. the user’s UT or Moodle username and the university’s or personal email address;
6.2.3. the image and voice of the persons recorded in the videos.
6.3. Panopto uses cookies stored in the browser to remember users’ preferences and get information about their use of Panopto. By continuing to browse Panopto, the user accepts the use of cookies. After logging in, users can remove their consent to cookies from their profile. For more information, visit https://support.panopto.com/s/article/panoptos-use-cookies.
6.4. The university may process all personal data included in Panopto to provide user support and analyse the use of Panopto to enhance service quality and user convenience.
6.5. The service provider processes users’ personal data according to the data processing terms and conditions set out in the service contract.
For any questions related to personal data, please contact the University of Tartu’s data protection specialists at andmekaitse@ut.ee.