Guides for e-learning tools


This plugin enables the teacher and learners to collaborate to create a mindmap. If Mindmap is used for group work, a separate mindmap should be created for each group.

To add a mindmap:

  • in the drop-down menu that opens under Add an activity or resource, select Mindmap
  • add a name and description
  • default settings allow learners to change and lock the mindmap
  • save the settings and open the mindmap
  • the default central concept is Moodle – click it to customise
  • to add new nodes, click Add node and click in a free space on the mindmap or use the Insert key on the keyboard
  • nodes can be edited (you can change the shape of the node, text and background colours)
  • nodes can be linked by a line by clicking on an node and draw a line to another node
  • flexible linking of nodes by lines allows to start branching in various places
  • recentre mindmap content, using the button at the bottom left

Learners can be assessed using, for example, an assignment. However, it should be remembered that the learners or their contribution cannot be identified in Mindmap.

From 1 April 2020, Mindmap is JavaScript-based.

NB! Mindmaps created before that date need converting!

Previously, the Moodle Mindmap tool was Flash-based but as the Flash support will end soon and flash applications do not work in certain web browsers already, the Mindmap tool was developed to work on JavaScript.

NB! Learners do not see the mindmap content before the teacher has converted the mindmap to JavaScript.

To convert an older mindmap to JavaScript

  • open the mindmap
  • click Convert from Flash in the menu on the left. The former Flash-based view and the new JavaScript-based view of the mindmap is displayed.
  • See the content in the JavaScript mindmap and edit, if necessary
  • save changes

Next time when you open Mindmap, you will be shown the JavaScript view only.

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