Creating a quiz
Adding a quiz and specifying quiz settings
A quiz which may include 8 different question types can be added to your website. See the example:
To add a quiz:
choose Content – Quiz in the top menu
enter the quiz title and introductory text
check and choose suitable settings for your quiz
Please note that quiz settings can also be saved – by ticking the box Remember my settings. If you do so, the same settings are used when you make the next quiz.
With default settings an automatic information window is shown before the quiz (the number of questions, pass/fail options, availability time etc.), the questions are asked in the order they are entered; feedback and solution is provided at the end of the quiz; the number of attempts is unlimited, and there is no time limit. All these settings can be changed.
You can allow the learners to leave the quiz and resume it afterwards, or skip questions, go back, make them answer until the correct answer is found, etc. You can choose whether all questions are shown on one page or each question is on a separate page, whether the information window is displayed, and whether questions are in a fixed or in a random order.
Specify when and whether feedback is shown, how many attempts are allowed and which attempt results are displayed. If you want you can also set a time limit for taking the quiz.
It is a good idea to take notice of the following settings in the extra menu on the quiz settings page:
Result Comments – feedback comments for five levels of the obtained score (%).
Pass/fail options – threshold for passing the quiz, comments for those who exceeded it and for those who failed.
Availability options – dates when the quiz is available for learners (by default it is always available).
Creating/adding questions
After the quiz settings have been saved you can start creating questions.
To add a question:
choose the small gear in the quiz page – Change questions
to add a new question click Create new question
You can add 9 question types:
Cloze question – respondent must fill in blanks or choose an answer into the blank from dropdown menu
Grouping question – respondent must drag objects into correct groups
Image target question – there are specific places in the picture where respondent must drag the correct targets
Matching – respondent chooses the correct equivalent to the word from the dropdown menu
Multiple choice question – respondent marks the correct answers in the choice
Drag and drop question with lines – respondent connects correct pairs, using the mouse
Quiz directions – explanatory text parts can be placed between quiz questions (respondent does not have to do anything)
Short answer question – respondent writes the answer in the answer box (a word or a short phrase)
True/false question – respondent chooses whether the given statement is true or false.
Cloze question
choose Cloze question
enter text in the text box
to create a blank the word must be placed (recommendably copied) between braces with hyphens
e.g. The coldest season of the year is -{winter}-.
if you want to use blanks with dropdown menus, the words must be put in the braces so that the first word is correct. The words must be separated from each other with a comma
e.g. The coldest season of the year is -{winter,autumn,spring}-.
In the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
if you wish, you can add feedback
choose Grouping question
enter instructions in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
in the text boxes on the left write group titles and in the boxes on the right the words that belong to the respective groups. Separate words from each other with commas
if you wish, you can add feedback
Image target question
choose Image target question
enter instructions in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
upload an image file and save the question
to add targets, open the question again
click the button Set region 1 below the image and mark the corresponding area in the image (place the cursor on the image and holding down left mouse button drag and draw a rectangle of suitable size). Below the image write the description of the target. Set all the desired areas in a similar way, i.e. enter targets and descriptions
if you wish, you can add feedback
Matching with dropdown menu
choose Matching
enter instructions in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
choose whether you want to change the order of questions (tick the box at Shuffle Questions)
write questions and correct answers (the order of answers is changed automatically)
in the correct answer field, you can add additional options in square brackets (e.g. Answer1[Answer2/Answer3/Answer4], in which Answer1 before the square brackets is always correct and answers in the brackets (separated from each other by a slash /) are always incorrect, but displayed as options
if you wish, you can add feedback
Multiple choice question
choose Multiple choice question,
enter question in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
choose whether you want the respondent to mark several correct answers, whether the order of the options can be changed, whether simple evaluation system is used (if everything is correct, the student gets the highest score, if something is wrong, the score is 0)
write the alternative answers. Tick the boxes in front of the correct answers
under advanced options you can specify points received for each specific answer
if you wish, you can add feedback
Drag and drop questions
choose Drag and drop question
enter instructions in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
choose whether the student is immediately notified of an incorrect answer or not
upload a suitable image
click on the image until a coloured box and a circle appears. Write the text in the box and drag the circle to the respective object in the picture. The word box and the circle can be moved repeatedly. You can also choose their colour, add feedback or delete them and add other choices
Short answer question
choose Short answer question
enter question in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
choose the most suitable assessment method – automatic, manual, case sensitive, etc.
write the correct answer
True/false question
choose True/false question
enter a statement in the text box
in the title box below the text box write a title which makes the question easily identifiable among others (this title is not shown to the students)
specify whether the given statement is true or false
if you wish, you can add feedback
When the test is completed, click Submit.