Guides for e-learning tools

Creating quiz (Watu PRO)

Adding a quiz and specifying quiz settings

You can add a self-quiz to a page with 7 different question types.

To add a quiz: 

  • If the Watu PRO plugin is not active on the site, it can be activated via the Plugins link.
  • From the left-side menu choose Watu PRO – Manage Quizzes – Create New Quiz
  • Fill in the Name and Descriptions fields
    • Name the quiz (Quiz Name). 
    • Pick Deactivate this quiz if you want to make the quiz initially inactive.
    • Pick Automatically publish this quiz in new post once I hit the “Save” button. (The new post will be auto-generated with the quiz title used for post title.) if you want to create a post with the title of the quiz to the site, where this quiz is automatically pasted. PS! If your site is made up of pages, not posts, do not select this check box and manually create the page where you will paste the quiz.
    • Add an optional description to the quiz (Optional description). 
  • In the General Settings tab, select the general settings for the quiz.
    • Choose the randomization level of the questions and answers (Randomization) by selecting whether the question and answer choices are displayed in the order they were added, whether both the questions and the answers are presented in a random order, whether only the questions are presented randomly, or only the answer choices.
    • Add a time limit to the quiz if you want to (Set time limit of x minutes). 
    • Determine the placement of the questions on the page: Pagination – all questions on one page (All questions in single page), questions displayed by category (One page per question category), each question on a separate page (Each question on its own page), desired number of questions on one page (Custom number per page).
    • If question numbers are displayed or not (Do not display question numbers). 
    • How are answer choices called: None, with Numbers, with Capital letters, with Small letters
    • Choose question designs (Select design theme). 
    • Set the time when the quiz is active (Schedule quiz). 
  • Click Save All Settings to add the quiz.
  • If you go to edit the quiz (Edit this quiz), you can also make choices in the additional settings tab (Other Advanced Settings).
  • In the Final Page/Quiz Results tab, the Final Screen section displays the text, which is displayed to the quiz taker along with quiz results after completing the quiz.

    Copy these texts to that section:

You have completed the %%QUIZ_NAME%%. 

You got %%CORRECT%% correct from %%TOTAL%% questions. 

You got %%POINTS%% points. 

Your answers: 


Creating and adding questions to the quiz

After saving the quiz settings, you can start creating questions. 

To create a question: 

  • On the Watu Pro quizzes page, click on the Questions link in the relevant quiz.
  • To add a new question click Create new question

There are 7 question types to choose from: 

  • Single choice (Radio buttons) – respondent marks one correct answer from the given options
    • one option for this question type is a true/false question (This is a True/False question) – the respondent chooses whether the given statement is true or false
  • Multiple choice (Checkboxes) – respondent marks correct answers from the given options 
  • Open End – respondent writes a free-form answer
  • Fill The Caps – respondent must fill in the blanks or select an answer from a drop-down menu 
  • Sort the values – respondent drags the presented values ​​into the correct order
  • Matrix/Match values – respondent chooses the correct match for a given word/phrase 
  • Slider/Rating – respondent gives a rating on a sliding scale

Single choice question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box.
  • When you add a new question choose Single choice (Radio buttons)
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • if it’s a true/false question (This is a True/False question
    • if the options are displayed in a drop-down (Display as drop-down selector instead of a radio buttons group.
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
  • In the Answers section, add the answer choices, mark the correct answer and the number of points it gives.
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

Multiple choice question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box.
  • When you add a new question choose Multiple choice (Checkboxes)
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required)
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
    • if the maximum number of selections is allowed (Maximum selections allowed
    • if the options are displayed as flashcards (This question uses flashcards
  • In the Answers section, add the answer choices, mark the correct answers and the number of points they give.
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

Open End question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box. 
  • When you add a new question choose Open End. 
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • Answer matching method: Matching Mode: Loose, User answer text contains your answer, Your answer text contains the whole user answer, Exact match (case-insensitive)), Strict exact match (case-sensitive)
    • Answer box size (Display mode): single line, medium size box, large size box 
    • Word limit 
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
  • In the Answers section, add your answer, which will be used to judge the respondent’s answer. 
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

Fill the Gaps

  • Write the question title.
  • When you add a new question choose Fill in Gaps
  • Enter gap text in the add question box, with the gaps enclosed in triple logical brackets:
    For ‘fill in the gaps’ questions, simply enter the correct text and place {{{ and }}} around the phrases, which should turn into gaps (without spaces). For example: “The color of the sun is {{{yellow}}}.” In this case, the respondent will be shown an input box instead of “{{{yellow}}}”.
    You can add multiple correct answers for each gap by separating them with |. For example: “The color of a good apple can be {{{green|yellow|red}}}”.
    You can also specify the correct number range in the following format: {{{x…y}}}. For example, to accept any answer between 2.5 and 10, enter {{{2.5…10}}}.
    If you want to accept decimals, the first value in the range must contain decimals. Otherwise, only whole numbers in the range are considered correct answers.
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • ifGaps are case sensitive
    • if multiple choice gaps are drop-downs (Turn multiple-answer gaps into drop-downs
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question)  
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

Sort the values question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box. 
  • When you add a new question choose Sort the values
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required)
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
  • In the Answers section, add the values ​​by entering each on a separate line. You can leave empty lines, and if the value must contain a new line, use the HTML
    tag for line breaks. Don’t use the special character “|” inside the response.
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

Matrix/Match values question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box. 
  • When you add a new question choose Matrix/Match values
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required)
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
  • In the Answers section, add pairs by entering a word or phrase in the left column and its correct match in the right column. Click Add more matches to add subsequent matching pairs. For the respondent, the items in the right column are shuffled when answering. 
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

(Slider/Rating question

  • Write the question title and the question text in the text box.
  • When you add a new question choose Slider/Rating
  • Choose the desired settings:
    • Enter the from-to scale of the slider (in numbers)
    • Transfer the slider number selection as points on this question. You can still define correct and incorrect answers, but the points assigned to them will be waived.
    • if the question is mandatory (Answering this question is required)
    • if it’s a survey question with no points (This is a survey question
  • In the Answers section, add the answer choices, mark the correct answers and the number of points they give.
  • Save the question (Save Question), save and reuse as a template for a new question (Save and Reuse as New) or save and display the preview (Save and Preview).

To embed the quiz: 

  • Add quiz to a page using the Shortcode block
  • Paste (CTRL+V) the embed code of the quiz into the block, e.g. [watupro 1] (you can get the embed code from the Embed Code column on the Watu PRO quizzes page)