Guides for e-learning tools

Using BBB in Moodle

To use BBB, add the activity BigBlueButtonBN to the front page of the e-course in Moodle.

To add BigBlueButtonBN:

  • in the drop-down menu that opens under Add an activity or resource, select BigBlueButtonBN
  • add a name and description to BBB. The description may include instructions for the learner.

Sample instructions for learners

  • configure session recording (recording is available with default settings)
  • set whether participants are required to wait for moderator before they can enter (no need to wait with default settings)
  • upload your presentation file or another file (pdf file is recommended for best results)
  • review the roles of participants (moderator or viewer; default settings are good)
  • if necessary, link the session to the calendar
  • if BBB is to be used with groups, select the suitable group mode

Recorded sessions appear automatically in the respective BBB webinar room. As recordings are located in a separate server, their links can also be sent outside the Moodle course. To view the recording, one does not have to be logged in to the Moodle course; anyone who has the appropriate web link (see the example) can see the recording.

How to show slides to learners?

  • Save slides into .pdf format.
  • Slides can be displayed by a person in the Presenter status (in the Users list on the left, the icon before the name has a light blue screen symbol). The teacher can take the Presenter’s role over from another moderator by clicking the circle button with a plus sign at the bottom of the screen.
  • To upload slides, click the blue plus-sign button and select Upload a presentation. Add the pdf file with slides to the field Drag files here to upload or browse for files. Click the button Upload. Wait until the file is uploaded to the server.
  • To navigate between the slides, use the arrows at the bottom of the window.

How to share the screen?

  • To share the screen, check whether you use the Google Chrome, Firefox, Opera, or Edge browser (WebRTC technology is used for screen sharing). Google Chrome is recommended for best results.
  • If you use the MacOS system, check if you have allowed Screen Recording to Google Chrome or Firefox browser in System preferences > Security & Privacy. Unfortunately, screen sharing with Safari is not possible.
  • If there is no screen-sharing button at the top, check whether you have the Presenter rights. Verify there is the small screen-sharing logo at your name.

I want to my students to make a presentation. What do I need to do?

  • Learners can always make presentations. To show slides, you need to grant the Presenter rights to the learner.
  • Left-click on the learner’s name and select Make presenter from the menu. Now the learner can upload files, change slides and share screen.

How to do group work and assign learners into small groups?

For group work, BBB has Breakout Rooms, which can be activated from the gear icon at the users list.

  • Click the gear icon at the Users list and select Create Breakout Rooms.
  • Select the number of rooms and how participants are assigned into the rooms (students are allowed to join a room, randomly assigned or assigned by the teacher), and the duration in minutes for learners to work in small groups.
  • When the specified time ends or when you want to end the breakout rooms, the learners return to the main room.
  • In Breakout Rooms, participants have all the rights and they can share their screen, whiteboard and other tools available in BBB.
  • The teacher can join the breakout rooms and listen to or view the work in the group.

How to end the webinar

  • To end the webinar (empty the room or the participants and the content created during the last seminar), click the three-dot menu at the top right of the window and select End meeting.