Regulations for Doctoral Studies and Study Regulations

Study Regulations

I. General provisions

II.Courses and modules

II.1. Courses

II.2. Planning the completion of curriculum

II.3. Registration for courses

III.Following the curriculum

III.1. System of study

III.2. Workload

IV. Assessment

IV.1. Assessment scales of learning outcomes

IV.2. Organisation of assessment

IV.3. Assessment results

IV.4. Final exam

IV.5. Thesis defence

V. Completion of studies

V.1. Exmatriculation

VI. Filling vacant student places and rematriculation

VI.1. Filling vacant student places

VI.2. Rematriculation

VII. Additional rights and obligations of students

VII.1. Notification

VII.2. Counselling

VII.3. Making adaptations in studies

VII.4. Giving feedback

VII.5. Studying at other higher education institutions in Estonia

VII.6. Studying at higher education institutions abroad

VII.7. Academic leave

VII.8. Extension of studies

VII.9. Good academic practice

VII.10. Contesting decisions concerning the organisation of studies

VIII. Implementing provisions

VIII.1. Applying the assessment system in effect before 30 August 1999

VIII.2. Applying the credit points system in effect before 31 August 2009

VIII.3. Entry into force

Annex 1. Studying as a visiting student or external student

1. Studying as a visiting student

2. Studying as an external student

Annex 2. Intensive study of Estonian

Annes 3. Recognition of prior learning and professional experience

I. General provisions

II. Applying

III. Fee for reviewing the application

IV. General principles of assessment

V. Recognition

Study Regulations (Full text of the UT Senate regulation)

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