Unit 3: Analysis and Reflection


The final activity will be to make a zine about what you’ve learned from this module. Reflect on the learning outcomes from the beginning of the module:


  • Discuss how craft is currently used in community-based efforts to safeguard/talk about/educate about heritage.
  • Discuss how craft is used as a tool to serve important social, economic, ecological, cultural, practical functions.
  • Apply these principles in designing community-based craft initiatives.


Zines are a powerful way to both explore the knowledge you know about a topic, as well as to share this knowledge with others. Refer to the zine-making video in the section on Craftivism and make a one-page zine with the knowledge you have gained. Refer to the journal you’ve kept throughout this module for ideas you might want to explore further through the zine. Feel free to add drawings, collage, stamps, or even do it completely digitally if you have the tools/know-how. Use the booklet you’ve made as a self-guide as you continue your open-innovation journey, and make copies to share with others.


If you would like to see more examples of zines, participate in discussions, and even upload yours to an online zine archive for others to download, check out resources such as:


Anarchist Zine Library: https://theanarchistlibrary.org/special/about


Thank you for taking this module, we hope you had fun!