Unit 2: Co-creating educational activities focused on diversity and the role of women


Abstract: This 4-hour unit is a hands-on unit on how to co-create Educational Programs (EPs). It shortly addresses learning theories and it focuses on the 4-step approach of 1. Aims, objectives and target audience, 2. The Phase Before, 3. The Phase During, 4. The Phase After (actions and evaluation).


Learning Outcomes: By the end of unit 2, learners will be able to:

  • Co-create EPs with specific aims and objectives for specific target audiences, based upon specific key points.

  • Work productively as a team.

  • Develop problem solving skills towards co-producing a result.

  • Evaluate an activity after its implementation on the extent to which specific key points were met.


Activity: Co-creating an educational programme: a process in steps. This is a team working activity.



  • Check the key points mentioned in the introduction.
  • Get ready to use the resources and the case studies offered in the introduction.
  • Activities in this unit relate to co-creating educational activity(-ies) and programme(s). Be creative and engaging, be ready for team-work, have your voice and keep listening to other contributions, be practical an efficient towards the co-production of the end-product(s)!
  • Do some homework on the theory. Education and pedagogy, learning theories, learning outcomes and practices comprise a vast and very interesting field of research and practices.
  • Check this resource for simple and practical ideas: Veldhuizen van, Arja (2017). Education Toolkit. Methods and techniques from museum and heritage education. (English translation by Claire Bown). Utrecht: LCM, Erfgoedhuis Zuid-Holland & ICOM-CECA. Available at: https://museumquestions.com/2017/09/25/what-does-it-take-to-create-a-great-education-program/
  • Organize team meeting sessions using the synchronous tool of the platform. You need at least five meetings (on per step, see below), but it is suggested you keep in mind that for a step you may need more that on team meeting. Upload the team meeting schedule on the platform and book the dates/times in your calendar.
Step 1. Aims, objectives, target audience:
  1. Keep the key points in mind and start the team meeting with them.
  2. Discuss on aims, objectives and target audience.
  3. Decide on aims, objectives and target audience.
  4. Write a report on the team’s decision and upload it on the platform.
Step 2. Phase BEFORE
  1. Keep the key points in mind and start the team meeting with them.
  2. Read the report of Step 1 and confirm it. In case of second thoughts, go back to Step 1.
  3. Discuss on specific activities. These can be onsite and/or online. Use the theory and the toolkit from the preparation before the steps.
  4. Decide upon specific activities. Make sure that key points are covered and you abide by aims, objectives and target groups as per report of Step 1.
  5. Write a report on the team’s decision (presenting the activities in detail) and upload it report on the platform.
Step 3. Phase DURING
  1. Keep the key points in mind and start the team meeting with them.
  2. Read the report of Step 2 and confirm it. In case of second thoughts, go back to Step 2.
  3. Implement the activities to your target audience as per report on Step 2. Note adjustments that needed to take place during implementation.
  4. Write a report on the implementing the activities and upload it report on the platform.
Step 4. Phase AFTER (action and evaluation)
  1. Keep the key points in mind and start the team meeting with them.
  2. Read the report of Step 3 and reflect upon its content. You may add or rewrite parts of it after this reflection.
  3. Discuss and decide on further actions and evaluation schemes. Some ideas may include a questionnaire and/or interviews with target audiences, reporting your observations, suggesting other activities.
  4. Write the final report on evaluation and future actions, and upload it to the platform. Stress the extent to which the activity has met the key points.


Self-assessment: Blog your thoughts and takeaways on the Discussion Forum (300-400 words): What have been your initial ideas towards all steps? To what extent have they changed during the process? Are you happy with the end-product and why? Have the key points been served? What are your thoughts on the co-creation process? What are you two main takeaways from this unit and the co-creation activity?