Topic 4: What does Student Digital Civic Engagement Look Like in Practice?

SDCE_clowdThe learning objective of this topic is to give students ideas on how a digital civic engagement project can look like in practice. Students will be introduced to practical examples of digital civic engagement by students in Europe.


Students’ learning and civic engagementSDCE1-4

Researchers have found a statistically significant relationship between civic engagement and academic engagement. Students who engage in civic issues engage in academic praxis, linking theory to action; they strengthen key competences of critical thinking, communication and collaboration; and they develop emotional intelligence and conscientious empathy as part of a community.

Two examples of student digital civic engagement

The Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) in Ireland developed a module for their marketing orientated courses. This module equipped marketing and design students with the skills necessary that help to develop a volunteer or community project.

Students provided their skills and expertise and offered it to their local communities. They work with communities and voluntary organisations first-hand, assisting them with their digital ideas and skills and applying what they have learned throughout the module in a real-life scenario.


The Tartu Welcome Centre is a non-profit association in Tartu, Estonia. Their goal is to help new immigrants arriving in Tartu and Southern Estonia to adapt smoothly and settle into Estonian society. The Welcome Centre provided services for newcomers which were free consultations, registry services, cultural and networking events, and useful information. Students can help on a voluntary basis.

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This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.

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