MOOC: Multilingual Education

Quiz 6

You have come to the end of Week 6. Do the quiz and see what you have learnt in this week and how well you understood the main concepts.
There are 10 questions in this quiz: 3 multiple choice questions and 7 true or false questions. It  is automatically checked, so you will see the result as soon as you complete it. You can retake the quiz as many times as you wish.

Good luck!

The increasing use of English should not be seen as a problem, but as a driver to raise the question of how to promote true plurlingualism. 

Question 1 of 10

The spreading use of English in higher education is mainly due to the pressure of being internationally active and highly ranked based on international publication, while the working language there is English.

Question 2 of 10

Tick all suitable options. 

The internationalization in higher education in general terms means... 

Question 3 of 10

Is this statement true or false? 

Internationalization in higher education means that the university uses English as main language of instruction. 

Question 4 of 10

Tick all suitable options. 

To have bi- or multilingual approach in universities promoted, some additional practices are needed, such as... 

  • t
  • he use or incorporation of multilingual support material in the classroom,
  • measuring the language proficie
  • ncy progress in parallel to the content learning.

Question 5 of 10

Is the statement true or false? 
Multilingual university is a university that teaches courses in English. 

Question 6 of 10

Is this statement true or false? 

Having students from different cultural and lingustic background is a challenge to the university staff, as they are expected to carefully intervene and propose activities evoking intercultural communication.

Question 7 of 10

Is this statement true or false? 

When there are people from different cultural and linguistic background together in the same classroom, the raise of linguistic and cultural sensitivity and awareness occur spontaneously.  

Question 8 of 10

Tick all suitable options. 

Multilingual universities usually follow these principles: 

Question 9 of 10

The trends of globalization and therefore the raising number of international students in higher education institutions are forcing universities to think about their language policies, rules for the language of instruction as well as curricula provided. 

Question 10 of 10


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