MOOC: Multilingual Education

Quiz 2

You have come to the end of Week 2. Do the quiz and see what you have learnt in this week and how well you understood the main concepts.
There are 8multiple choice questions in this quiz, and it is automatically checked, so you will see the result as soon as you complete it. You can retake the quiz as many times as you wish.

Good luck!

Bilingualism has a positive effect on...

Question 1 of 8

The condition of a person who learns a second language in addition to his/her first one in his/her adulthood is described as...

Question 2 of 8

The situation in which two languages are learnt with no status differences attributed to either of the them and the first language does not suffer any detriment as the result of the speaker’s acquiring the second language, is referred to as...

Question 3 of 8

Bilingual individuals who are unable to function properly in either their first or their second language, are described as being:..

Question 4 of 8

Code-switching refers to...

Question 5 of 8

According to House a language used in multicultural settings for interpersonal exchange across cultures and for expressing one’s identity as a member of a particular cultural community is defined as one’s...

Question 6 of 8

The term simultaneous bilingualism is used to describe a situation in which...

Question 7 of 8

A balanced bilingual...

Question 8 of 8