
Distance between Talllinn and Viljandi is ca 160 km; Riga and Viljandi 224 km (if you arrive through Riga then you need to drive by bus to Pärnu, then from Pärnu to Viljandi).

If you arrive by plane then it is possible to get from the airport to the Tallinn bus station either by city bus or tram  (distance is about 10 minutes), the bus/tram stop is named “Bussijaam” in Estonian (airport is named “Lennujaam” in Estonian). Please see the further information:

If you arrive by ferry to the Tallinn port then take a bus no 2 to the Tallinn bus station (“Bussijaam”):

Long distance bus schedules (for example from Tallinn to Viljandi; or from Riga to Pärnu, then Pärnu to Viljandi):

It is possible to travel between Tallinn and Viljandi by train (in Viljandi you need a taxi to get to the central town):

On July 1st there will be free buses from Viljandi to Tallinn (3 buses). We will find out the exact departure times during the sympoisum according to the most preferred requests.


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