Mitten cuff with shortened rows and intarsia motif

In this workshop you will work on two techniques: a mitten cuff using short rows and intarsia for a single outstanding motif on a mitten.

Külli Jacobson (b. 1970) is the owner of handicraft company Kagu Kudujad, and mathematics teacher at Värska High School in Setomaa. She is a professional knitter and knitting instructor, her handicraft business, that is using brand name Nordic Knitters promotes Estonian folk patterns and traditional knitting style around the world. 

Külli has published „Siberi lilled“ (in English „Siberian Flowers“), the pattern book of 16 flower motifs inspired by authentic  Siberian Seto heritage.  

Please see her works at:

Külli writes about her inspiration source: “Knitting is my passion. It is of utmost importance for me that Estonian authentic mitten motifs will live on and will stay in use both for knitters and consumers.  Estonian stranded colorwork mittens, it is a fascinating world full of secrets and protective power. I am honoured to know a bit about it and gladly preserve it for future generations. I am inspired by nature, colors playing together in harmony. Ancient archaic motifs and symbols, especially Seto patterns influence my creations a lot.”

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