Centre of Excellence In Molecular Cell Engineering

Delivery systems

WP leader: Ülo Langel

General concept. For the manipulation of living cells, small chemical probes or nucleic acids need to be delivered into the cells. Those delivery systems will be developed.


  • D1. Efficient delivery to different cell types 
  • D2. Disease‐targeted delivery systems 

Long‐term goal

To create improved delivery systems for all cell types included in the current application. One of the longterm challenges will be the development of delivery systems for in vivo applications where whole tissues, organs or organism will be effectively targeted. Cell Penetrating Peptides, liposomes and their combinations will be tested. In addition, combinations of the nonviral and viral delivery systems will be tested. 


Institute of Technology
University of Tartu
Nooruse 1
Tartu 50411

Tanel Tenson
Professor, PI
+372 737 4844