Centre of Excellence In Molecular Cell Engineering


C1. Modulators of viral replication

Specific chemicals targeting viral replication and maintenance mechanisms will be developed (design by group 1; synthesis by Group 6; biological tests by Group 5 and assistance for delivery from Group 7). The viruses in focus are papillomaviruses, alphaviruses and retroviruses. These viruses are being used by Group 5 for developing new vector systems for protein expression and gene therapy (6, 7). The specific chemicals promise tighter and more flexible control of the systems. In addition, the chemical probes can serve as leads for the development of antiviral compounds, as a means to modulate virus infection in vivo and serve as very useful tools for studies of viral replication cycles. 


Institute of Technology
University of Tartu
Nooruse 1
Tartu 50411

Tanel Tenson
Professor, PI
+372 737 4844