Topic 2: Transforming Obstacles Into Strengths

SDCE_clowdThis topic covers information on ways to take negative occurrences of project management, and how to turn it into a positive. Learners will be able to understand the concept of a growth mindset, and the benefits of creating a growth mindset.


SDCE4-2There is nothing more frustrating than experiencing a setback – where something that you or your team has done does not end up going the way you hoped. However, sometimes it is important to remember that this effort has not been wasted, and everyone can learn from their mistakes – turn those setbacks in to set-forwards!


Re-Designing Set-Backs Into Set-Forwards

One way of dealing with a setback is to treat it as a learning opportunity- identify what went wrong and how can the group avoid these kinds of issues in the future.

By viewing setbacks as something that all groups will come across at some point will enable group members to increase resilience and be able to break through barriers like this in the future. One way of re-framing setbacks in a positive light is to adopt a growth mindset.

A growth mindset is the opposite of a fixed mindset. A growth mindset suggests that we can learn from our mistakes, and every setback that we make, can lead to us becoming stronger, more resilient and can end up learning more.

Research strongly links people who have a growth mindset to becoming successful!


Take a look at this Talk by Carol Dweck, the founder of the Growth Mindset!



Quick test


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.