Topic 2: Cultivating and Growing a Student Civic Engagement Community

SDCE_clowdThis topic covers information on ways to help increase a civic engagement community within their university. The learning objectives of this topic are for students to gain an understanding of the importance of storytelling in marketing, and how this can generate word of mouth publicity and support.


SDCE6-2Cultivating and Growing a Student Civic Engagement Community

The next step to ensuring the message of your DCE project is established is to cultivate and grow your DCE project.

By ensuring that your community is aware and talking about your project, it can ensure that your project’s mission will become established and guarantee the continuation of the project.

But how can we create and foster and environment where a DCE project is discussed and word of mouth spreads?


Creating a Positive Environment

As we saw in the previous topic, by establishing trust, we can help create an environment for both students and communities that is positive.

A positive environment will also help to create a positive environment where word of the project will spread naturally.

A positive environment can also help to establish other methods of marketing your project.


Creating a Positive Narrative

One type of DCE project can be service or knowledge exchange. We saw in the GMIT case study that the interviewees suggested that without the student’s help, some community groups may have ceased to exist. The fact that this DCE project helped to ensure the establishment and growth of certain community projects and businesses is a fantastic message that future DCE groups could use.

When developing your DCE project, think about what it is that your project offers. It is important during any PR activities, or any marketing activities that you do, that you create a narrative that promotes the positive aspects of your SDCE project.

Storytelling is one way that a DCE Project could do this.

“The most powerful person in the world is the story-teller. The storyteller sets the vision, values and agenda of an entire generation that is to come.”

Steve Jobs


How to Use Storytelling as a Narrative?

Storytelling is a powerful way to promote certain narratives. These can be used to the project’s advantage. One way of doing this is by creating stories of success. By having the stories on your project website or social media, you can help to influence others to either want to join in on your DCE project, or to promote/ recommend your DCE project.

Why does this work? People love to hear stories as it triggers feelings of empathy, and empathy can help to create human connections between us. By telling the stories of the people your project has helped, as well as telling the stories of the people behind the project, it can help to attract new volunteers, and ensure the success of your DCE project, whilst perhaps event attracting new stakeholders.


Utilizing Social Media

Many projects could help spread the stories from their project on their social media platforms.

This could be done in several different ways, perhaps by creating promotional videos on their social media, and by having a version of testimonials of members of the group.

This can be combined with other promotional aspects of social media such as keeping followers updated on project goals as well as using livestreaming as a form of promotion.


Find out more about the power of storytelling from the video “The magical science of storytelling” by David JP Phillips



Quick Test

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.