Topic 4: Leveraging the power of corporate social responsibility

SDCE_clowdThis section highlights the importance of corporate social responsibility, and how it can be an important factor in activism and solving potential civic problems that could help to be solved. The learning outcomes of this section is to provide an understanding of corporate social responsibility and how it can be used in favour with the development of a DCE project.


SDCE5-4What is Corporate Social Responsibility?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is when companies take responsibility for their impact on society. It is when companies go above and beyond legislation to make a positive moral impact in the community.

CSR might look like engaging in Fairtrade practices, improved working conditions, making donations or sponsorships. CSR is increasingly important for businesses to engage in in the current climate.


Why CSR is Important?

Corporate Social Responsibility benefits everyone, from the consumer to the company itself. The consumer knows that by choosing to buy from the socially responsible business they are contributing to a good cause, and the company can increase sales, goodwill, name recognition and customer base by engaging in ethical practices. And, of course, the wider community benefits from the company engaging in CSR – including your project, hopefully!


Building a CSR Strategy

Think about what your DCE project is going to do. Where do the strengths lie? This could be anything from a solid marketing team to excellent communication within your company. Work on those strengths and lean on them throughout your CSR journey. It’s important to identify what your customers value when planning a CSR strategy. Make sure that whatever you invest in aligns with your project’s mission.

Enlist in ideas from all of your team.  

Creating a CSR engagement plan within the project with key volunteers will help to build a solid CSR strategy that you can then pitch to the rest of the team. Everyone in your project needs to believe in your CSR strategy to ensure it is genuine.


Take a look at the following video which examines the importance of Corporate Social Responsibility on all sizes of business.



Quick test

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.