Oulu University of Applied Sciences
Oulu University of Applied Sciences (Oulu UAS), one of the largest universities of applied sciences in Finland, established in 1996, is multidisciplinary higher education institution providing education and applied research and development. Oulu UAS serves the needs of the region’s working and economic life and culture, and maintains the diversity of polytechnic education in Northern Finland. We have approximately 9,000 students and 580 staff members. Higher education is based on the requirements of internationalisation, development of working life as well as research, artistic, and educational aspects. Our Bachelor’s degree programmes are on EQF level 6 and our Master’s
degree programmes on level 7. Currently there are 28 Bachelor’s degree programmes and 7 Master’s degree programmes in five different fields of study (Culture; Social sciences, business and administration; Natural sciences; Technology, communication and transport; Natural resources and the environment; Social services and health and Humanities and education). Oulu UAS’s strategic focus areas are energy efficient construction for northern circumstances, Multifield business operations and entrepreneurial readiness, Services and technology promoting health and welfare, Renewing teaching of the university of applied sciences and teacher training.Our applied research, development and innovation work carried out at Oulu UAS and the development of business operations serve and support not only teaching, but also the development
of the whole of Northern Finland, reforming its business and professional life. Oulu UAS educates competent and innovative professionals for the needs of working life.
The operations of Oulu UAS promote the capabilities of the higher education community to take on international responsibilities. The goal is to develop and renew operations models in a diversified way together with working life and international partners. Networking nationally and internationally enables future know-how in innovative learning environments. Oulu UAS’s quality system has been audited by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC).
We believe that good results will be achieved when the operations are planned, monitored, evaluated and developed systematically. Documentation plays a key role in quality ssurance. Oulu UAS alsopromotes quality culture, develops self-assessment procedures and participates in external evaluations.
Read more: https://www.oamk.fi/en/