Instituto Politecnico de Setubal
Created in 1979, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) is a public institution of higher education seeking, permanently and in association with its social partners, to contribute to the development of society, in general, and of the Setúbal region, in particular, through tertiary training activities, research and services provision, contributing to the creation, development, dissemination and transfer of knowledge, as well as the promotion of science and culture. With more than 6500 students and employing nearly 650 teaching and non-teaching staff, IPS assumes as primordial the training of professionals with high technical and scientific expertise, offering 32 first cycle degree programmes (bachelors) and 21 second cycle degree programmes (master), besides post-secondary training (CTeSP) and post-graduation diplomas. Presently, IPS comprises five Schools in the areas of Education, Technology, Business & Administration and Health Care. The institution has two campi: Setúbal campus, where four of the Schools are located – Technology of Setúbal, Education, Business & Administration, and Health Care, and Barreiro campus, where the Barreiro School of Technology is located. The institution has well-equipped laboratories, documentation centres, audio-visual equipment and computer facilities, which are available to its students and teachers.
The School of Health is the youngest unit of the Setúbal Polytechnic Institute but already with a well know reputation among the academic community in Portugal. With an dmission rate of 9 candidates for each vacancy (on average), ESS/IPS offers first and seconds Bologna cycle degree programmes, as well as a wide range of postgraduate courses for the continuous professional development of healthcare professionals.
Teaching, research and services are the focus of our activity and we do it under the principles of Humanism, Quality and Innovation (the motto of our School), aiming to graduate responsible, autonomous and competent health professionals that have experienced international and complex
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