MOOC: Auditing waste management

Study guide

Organisation of the course material

The course (overall volume 1 ECTS, 26 hours of students work) is organized in introduction and 4 modules, which are in turn split into smaller subsections. The course consists of reading, video lectures, exercises, case studies and tests.

The modules start with a brief video introduction discussing the main topic(s) and outcomes of the section. The video is followed by a textual part. The videos are meant to complement, not substitute the textual part.

Each module ends with an exercise, which enables to test the acquired knowledge and skills. The exercises are an intrinsic component of the course and it is strongly recommended to take all of them.


Throughout the course there are numerous self-test exercises for enabling the student to test his/her knowledge and skills in specific topics.

Please use navigation buttons or arrows to move between questions in exercise.


If you have answered the question check the answer clicking in Check button.


Feedback is given in a way that correct answers are on green background and incorrect answers on red background:


You can see how many answers are right out of question maximum:


If all answers are right you can see yellow star:


Each exercise is graded with points. Result of all questions is shown as received points out of maximum points. If you will not receive 100% of points, there is suggestion to try again.


All exercises can be taken as many times as needed and the success of taking these exercises will not influence the final grade. We recommend that you complete all the exercises and work with them until you achieve score 100% and only then move to next topic.

NB! If possible, we recommend using a computer when taking the exercises. Otherwise, drag the text exercises may not technically function as intended.

Terminology and definitions

Wherever possible, the used terminology adheres to INTOSAI WGEA practices.

Printed version of course materials

For those wishing to save course materials for offline browsing or later use, print-to-pdf solution is the best option, to be applied separately for each individual page. Please see here for further instructions.

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