Module 5: How to finance and fund your project including tech focused models

Module 5You have reached the penultimate module where budgeting and financing are introduced, providing you with ideas and resources on how you might finance your own DCE project. The concept of corporate social responsibility is also introduced, and how it might impact a DCE project in a positive way.


Topics covered in this module:

Topic 1: Estimating project costs and financial needs
Topic 2: Spotlight on lean start up/innovation
Topic 3: Crowdfunding your civic engagement projects /causes
Topic 4: Leveraging the power of corporate social responsibility

You will learn:

  • how to create a project budget;
  • what factors need to be accounted as well as how tools and ways support that a DCE project could become established financially;
  • how to gain an understanding of lean start-up and how tech companies help to fund their organisations;
  • what tools and platforms are available that you could use to help fund your project;
  • what is corporate social responsibility and how it can be used in favour with the development of a DCE project.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.