Module 4: Managing a Digital Civic Engagement Project

YoSDCE_4u’re halfway there. Three modules are behind you, three more to go. Now continue with module where the concept of project management is introduced. After passing this module you should be able to create a team and match teammates with the skills required to help ensure the project is a success. You will also examine some issues that can impact managing a DCE project, as well as how to evaluate the project properly.


Topics covered in this module:

Topic 1: Designing and Working Within a Digital Civic Engagement Team
Topic 2: Transforming obstacles into strengths
Topic 3: Avoiding Project Fatigue
Topic 4: Evaluating Your Impact


You will learn:

  • how to put a team together using the strengths and skills of each team member to make a project successful;
  • how to transform obstacles into strengths according to the growth mindset concept;
  • how to avoid project fatigue;
  • how to evaluate your DCE project to ensure it is a success.



This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.