Module 1: Digital Civic Engagement – The Potential at the Intersection of Technology and New Media

Image 1Let’s get started!

This module explores the concept of student digital civic engagement. It explains what digital civic engagement is and its potential for students’ advancement and social cohesion of societies. Students will gain an understanding about the competencies they acquire when practising digital civic engagement activities and get to know several examples of civic engagement projects.


Topics covered in this module:

Topic 1: What is student digital civic engagement?
Topic 2: How is digital civic engagement impacting universities (and beyond)?
Topic 3: What competencies do student civic engagers develop?
Topic 4: What does student digital civic engagement look like in practice?


You will learn:

  • what student digital civic engagement is and how this concept is embedded in higher education institutions;
  • how digital tools can contribute to civic engagement activities;
  • what digital and entrepreneurial competencies you can acquire through your digital civic engagement activities;
  • what projects students at different higher education institutions in Europe have developed on digital civic engagement;
  • how you can reflect on your experiences to think about possible digital civic engagement activities.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.