Module 2: Where are the opportunities for students

SDCE2Go ahead with second module and examine the challenges of participating in DCE activities. In this section, relevant case studies to the content are examined to give you further examples of DCE projects, and to help highlight the benefits. You learn about how to identify different examples and opportunities for creating civic engagement projects as well as the resultant competencies and skills that you will gain in the future. 


Topics covered in this module:

Topic 1: Problems that need solving – spotlight on global issues.

Topic 2: Improving your community through civic engagement.

Topic 3: Taking a service-learning approach to an DCE project.

Topic 4: DCE is building your competency levels. Here are the opportunities.


You will learn:

  • how to identify different problems in local communities and issues at a global scale;
  • to identify what makes projects work, and why they would be beneficial to a community;
  • to understand the concept and benefits of service learning, as well as provide examples of it;
  • to akcnowledge the competencies DigComp and EntreComp.

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.