Šiaurės ir Baltijos regiono ekonominė integracija pasitelkiant užimtumą, inovacijas, investicijas ir prekybą – LIFT

LIFT project thematic session in the 13th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2023 „, 11-12 May 2023 (LV)

The LIFT project thematic workshop was part of the 13th International Scientific Conference „Business and Management 2023”. The conference was held in the modern premises of Vilnius Tech. The organizers of the session were Prof Dr Manuela Tvaronavičienė (LIFT project coordinator) and Assoc Prof Dr Agnė Šimelytė. The traditional conference had more than 100 participants from a long list of countries, and the events were partly connected to the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of Vilnius Tech. The plenary session of the conference was followed by various thematic parallel sessions, of which one was devoted to the LIFT project topics under the title of the project (The Economic Integration of the Nordic-Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade – LIFT). While most of the presentations were by the participants of the LIFT project, some were also by other conference guests, ensuring the exchange of ideas between the LIFT project participants and other conference guests. LIFT project members from all participating institutions took part in the conference physically, while a small number of presentations were additionally made online. The list of topics covered in the presentations of the LIFT project session (in total 11 presentations were made) included the productivity effects of exporting, the companies’ choice of internationalization strategies, high-tech exports, the state of international technology transfer, the connection between human values and supervisory responsibilities et cetera, but also some issues outside the LIFT project topics, such as universal basic income. The full program of the conference and the LIFT project thematic workshop can be found here.

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