The economic integration of the Nordic-Baltic region through labor, innovation, investments and trade – LIFT
- Mihails Hazan’s post on LinkedIn, with 21 reactions and 539 impressions. linkedin_post_on_hazans_masso_maurseth.pdf
- European Social Survey FB Post. european_social_survey_fb_post_on_hazans_masso_maurseth.pdf
- European Social Survey LinkedIn Post. european_social_survey_linkedin_post_on_hazans_masso_maurseth.pdf
- Juhiks saab sagedamini saavutushimuline loovhing (in English: The leader is more often a creative soul eager to achieve). Facebook page of the School of Economic Administration and Communications, University of Tartu. 13.12.2023.
- Project Conference: The economic integration of the Nordic-Baltic region through Labour, innovation, investments, trade – LIFT Facebook page of the School of Economic Administration and Communications, University of Tartu. 23.11.2022.
- LIFT project at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (Facebook)
- Institute of Transport Economics on the launch of the LIFT project (Twitter)
- Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies on the start of the LIFT project (Facebook)
- University of Tartu: “Kaks majandusteaduskonnaga seotud projekti said EMP Balti teaduskoostöö programmis positiivse rahastusotsuse” (Two projects related to the School of Economics and Business Administration were funded) (Facebook and institutional homepage)
- Twitter post from the IZA Institute of Labor Economics about the LIFT project paper “Personality traits, remote work and productivity” by Nicolas Gavoille and Mihails Hazans.
- Project Conference: The economic integration of the Nordic-Baltic region through Labour, innovation, investments, trade – LIFT December 16 2022
- Projektas “Šiaurės ir Baltijos regiono ekonominė integracija pasitelkiant užimtumą, inovacijas, investicijas ir prekybą (LIFT)”.
- Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LIFT project page.
- “VILNIUS TECH is implementing the project funded by EEA and Norway Grants”.
- Project “Economic Integration of the Nordic -Baltic Region through Labour, Innovation, Investments and Trade (LIFT)”.
- “VilniusTech vykdo EEE ir Norvegijos finansinių mechanizmų finansuojamą projektą”.
- Institute of Transport Economics – LIFT project page
- “Forskningsprosjekt: LIFT”
- “Institute of Transport Economics is partner in new Nordic-Baltic integration project”.
- University of Latvia – LIFT project page.
- University of Latvia – message on the launch of the project:
- Baltic International Centre for Economic Policy Studies – LIFT Project page.
- Kaks majandusteaduskonnaga seotud projekti said EMP Balti teaduskoostöö programmis positiivse rahastusotsuse” (Two projects related to the School of Economics and Business Administration were funded).
- „Teadlased kutsuvad jagama oma kogemust kaugtöötamisest“ (Researchers are invited to share their experience of remote working).
- Jaan Masso, Mihails Hazans, Per Botolf Maurseth. „Juhiks saab sagedamini saavutushimuline loovhing“ (In English: „The leader is more often a creative soul eager to achieve “), 12.12.2023. ERR Novaator.
- Anastasia Sinitsyna, Tiiu Paas, Jaan Masso. „Virtuaalne koostööruum võib asendada kergekäelise tööreisi“ (In English: „A virtual co-working space can replace the frivolous business trip“), 22.11.2022. ERR Novaator.
- Kristina Hudenko, “Piemaksājiet 500, braukšu uz darbu! Profesors Hazans vērtē attālināto strādāšanu” (Pay 500 extra, I’ll go to work! Professor Hazan values remote working).
- Kristina Hudenko, “Darbs no mājām: kurš rūpējas par darbinieku vairāk un kā kontrolē” (Working from home: who cares more about the employee and how to control).
- Mihails Hazans, “Kodutöö — ajutiselt või alaliselt? Ankeet: jagage oma kogemust „kaugjuhtimise“ kohta!” (Homework — temporarily or permanently? Questionnaire: share your experience of “remote control!), Postimees.
- “Приплатите 500 евро — приеду на работу! Профессор Хазан рассказал о плюсах и минусах “удаленного” труда” (Pay 500 euros – I’ll come to work! Professor Hazan spoke about the pros and cons of “remote” work).
- Кристина Худенко, “Все равно от звонка до звонка? Что дает работодатель подчиненному на “удаленке”, а что хочет взамен” (Still from call to call? What does the employer give to the subordinate on “remote work”, and what does he want in return), Delfi plus.
- Михаил Хазан, “Работа из дома — временно или навсегда? Анкета: поделитесь своим опытом «удаленки»!” (Working from home – temporary or permanent? Questionnaire: share your experience of remote work!”).
- A non-technical summary of the LIFT project paper “Personality traits, remote work and productivity” by Nicolas Gavoille and Mihails Hazans has been published , in English and in German, by the IZA Institute of Labor Economics in its IZA Newsroom (23 August 2022): “Who is more productive from home? New survey evidence shows that personality traits matter (a lot)”, ;
- The leading German business newspaper “Wirtschafts Woche” (WIWO) has devoted a large article to the LIFT project paper “Personality traits, remote work and productivity” by Nicolas Gavoille and Mihails Hazans: Dominik Reintjes. Diesen Mitarbeitern können Chefs im Homeoffice blind vertrauen. Wirtschafts Woche, 24. August 2022 [Bosses can blindly trust these employees working from home] DE_Diesen Mitarbeiternkönnen Chefs im Homeoffice blindvertrauen.pdf EN_Bosses can blindly trust these employees working from home.pdf