Sulev Oll

Sulev Oll

Sulev Oll (born 17 March 1964) is a writer and journalist.

Oll was born at Aseri, Lääne-Viru County, and completed Aseri secondary school in 1982. From 1982–1987, he studied history at Tartu State University and graduated from the university cum laude as a historian and teacher of history and social studies. From 1989–1993, he studied journalism at the University of Tartu (called Tartu State University in the Soviet period) and completed his studies by distance learning cum laude.

From 1987–1993, he worked as a teacher of history at Haljala Secondary School, later as a journalist (for the newspapers Maaleht, Äripäev, and Postimees). From  2014–2017, Sulev Oll was a member of the Press Council at the Estonian Newspaper Association. From 2015, he was communication manager at Tallinn University, from 2021, he works as head of strategic communication at Tallinn University of Technology. Sulev Oll has been a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2012.

At the beginning of his creative career, Oll wrote mainly for children. Having shared his creation for years only with his family, Sulev Oll published his first books 2008. In the same year, the poetry book Hea tuju kuju (‘Figure of Cheerful Mood’), illustrated by Reti Saks, received the Karl Eduard Sööt Prize for children’s poetry.

The author’s close emotional ties with his home region and folklore have inspired the poetry collections Vana sõna vallatused (‘Frolics of Old Words’) and Päevad käivad päripäeva (‘Days Go Clockwise’) and the story collection Virumaa viguriga lood (‘Mischievous Stories of Virumaa County’).

Along with children’s poetry, Sulev Oll has published several poetry collections for adults. In 2009, he won the first place at Kalju Lepik Poetry Competition.

In 2011, Sulev Oll published the novel Põrgupõhja viimane Jürka (‘The Last Satan of the Deepest Hell’). The book was written for a competition; the aim was to write a sequel to A. H. Tammsaare’s novel Põrgupõhja uus Vanapagan (‘The Misadventures of the New Satan’). The book is philosophical in his manner.

Oll has published biographical books Keskmaajooks. Eesti kergejõustiku kultusala (‘Middle-distance Run. The Pinnacle of Estonian Athletics, together Tiit Lääne, 2000), Indrek Neivelt, Hansapanga juht (‘Indrek Neivelt, Leader of Hansabank’, 2001) and Aeg annab kõik (‘Time Gives All’, an interview with singer Heidy Tamme, 2010).

In cooperation between Sulev Oll and composer Rasmus Puur, the cantata Vabaduse tuul, tarkuse tuul (‘Wind of Freedom, Wind of Wisdom’) was completed in 2019.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Hea tuju kuju. Tallinn: TEA Kirjastus, 2008, 35 lk. [Lasteluuletused.]
Öö mõte on Kuus. Fotod: Anti Kuus. Tallinn: Akta A. K., 2008, 96 lk.
Printsessi voodikohendaja päevaraamat. Tallinn: Maalehe Raamat, 2010, 47 lk. [Lasteluuletused.]
Vana sõna vallatused. Tallinn: TEA Kirjastus, 2010, 37 lk. [Lasteluuletused.]
Päevad käivad päripäeva. Tallinn: TEA Kirjastus, 2012, 53 lk. [Lasteluuletused.]
Sõnad iseeneses. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2012, 48 lk.
Lootuste leksikon. Tallinn: Tuum, 2015, 55 lk.
Mis mulle meeldib. Tallinn: Koolibri, 2015, 39 lk. [Lasteluuletused.]

Põrgupõhja viimane Jürka. Tallinn: Eesti Ajalehed, 2011, 184 lk.

Short stories
Virumaa viguriga lood. Lüganuse: Purtse Jõe Arenduskeskus, 2017, 115 lk. [Lastelood.]

Tiit Lääne, Sulev Oll, Keskmaajooks: Eesti kergejõustiku kultusala. Tallinn: Maalehe Raamat, 2000, 118 lk.
Indrek Neivelt: Hansapanga juht. Tallinn: Äripäeva Kirjastus, 2001, 127 lk.
Neljapäeval näeme. 25 aastat head Eesti lehte. Tallinn: Maalehe Raamat, 2012, 254 lk. [Raamat Maalehest.]


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