

Estonian Writers’ Online Dictionary (EWOD) is made by University of Tartu Department of Literature and Theater Studies of the Institute of Cultural Research. The editors-in-chief are Jüri Talvet and Arne Merilai, the managing editor is Sven Vabar.

EWOD aims at gathering and organizing the existing bibliographical data about Estonian literature and its academic and critical reception in foreign languages. EWOD’s foremost purpose is to grant international literary, cultural and research communities a better access to information about Estonian literature.

In addition, EWOD comprises the basic data about Estonian writers and their work in the Estonian language. EWOD thus also complements the data provided by the earlier vernacular literary dictionaries that are rapidly getting out of date.

Moving around on the site is easy. Choose the writers you are interested in from the alphabetical menu on the left. Under each writer, you will find their profile, links to their works and critical and academic reception. Information about general treatments of Estonian literature (historical periods, literary movements, styles, genres and the like) can be found by following a link on top of the alphabetical menu on the left. Bibliographical information in EWOD is categorized by languages, which are listed alphabetically.

The website is under construction. All current data provided by the website is complemented in the course of ongoing work. You are most welcome to suggest any relevant additional bibliographical information that we have missed. For any questions, suggestions and corrections please contact the managing editor: svenvabar[ät]ut.ee.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.15157/diss/005

© Copyright / avaldamisõigus: Tartu Ülikooli kultuuriteaduste instituudi kirjanduse ja teatriteaduse osakond / University of Tartu Department of Literature and Theatrical Studies of the Institute of Cultural Research.

EWOD is indexed by the MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography. Access to EWOD is provided also by the Specialized Information Service for Comparative Literature / Fachinformationsdienst Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft, FID AVL, funded by the German Research Foundation / Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, DFG: https://www.avldigital.de/de/vernetzen/details/website/estonian-writers-online-dictionary/.

EWOD is supported by the Centre of Excellence in Estonian Studies (European Union, European Regional Development Fund, 2016–2023) and the Professorship of Estonian Literature at the University of Tartu.

Previously, EWOD has been supported by:
– the institutional research funding IUT (No 20-1, 2014-2019) of the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research,
– the baseline funding for the project PFLKU15911 “E-Dictionary of the Estonian Writers – EWOD” (1.01.2015−31.12.2015),
– the baseline funding for the project PHVKU19914 “The Transformative Function of Literary Criticism: Theory and Two Databases” (1.02.2019−31.01.2020)

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