Mihkel Kaevats

Poems Mihkel Kaevats


Mihkel Kaevats (born 29 May 1983) is a poet, translator and essayist.

Kaevats was born in Tallinn. From 2002–2007, he studied semiotics and cultural studies at the University of Tartu and from 2009–2012 attended master’s studies at the Institute of Humanities of Tallinn University. As an exchange student, he has lived in Rome and Bari in Italy and in Voronezh in Russia. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2007. He is the son of philosopher Ülo Kaevats and translator Mall Jõgi. Kaevats works as an official at the Ministry of Culture.

He published his first poetry collection Ederlezi (2003) under the pseudonym of Olev Olematu. The poetry collection deserved the annual prize of the journal Looming and was elected to represent Estonia at the UNESCO global debut poetry competition.

Mihkel Kaevats’s poetry is written mainly in free verse. It is characterised by social openness and receptiveness and vigorous presence of the author’s lyrical self. An essential role in the poems belongs to the author’s relations with nature and his family.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)


Books in Estonian

Olev Olematu, Ederlezi. Tallinn: Huma, 2003. 72 lk.
Illusionist. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2004. 59 lk.
Eile hommikul ja täna: 25 luuletust 2004–2008. Luige: Verb, 2009. 80 lk.
Minu kangelane ängelheinaöölane: luuletused = Мынам батыре тутыйлибубыли: кылбуръёс. Ижкар: Инвожо, 2010. 86 lk. [Paralleeltekst eest i ja udmurdi keeles.]
Ungari kirsid & teisi luuletusi. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2012. 77 lk.
43 luuletust. Tallinn: Vihmakass ja Kakerdaja, 2017. 64 lk.
Võpatus. Tallinn: Eesti Keele Sihtasutus, 2019. 77 lk.