Andres Allan

Andres Allan

Andres Allan (Andres-Allan Ellmann, initially Kurvits; 24 IX 1965 – 22 VII 1988) was a poet.

He was born and went to school in Tallinn, studied theology at the Institute of Theology of the Estonian Evangelical Lutheran Church. Worked as a verger in Tallinn Cathedral. Perished under mysterious circumstances in Tallinn, buried in Tallinn Pärnamäe Cemetery. Andres Allan was the brother of the artist Raoul Kurvitz (born in 1961). His daughter is the poet Joanna Ellmann (born in 11 VII 1988).

Andres Allan as a representative of the Estonian alternative culture and early punk movement is noticeable for his mystically religious and visionary poetry. An essential place in it belongs to introspection, closeness to nature, an alternative way of existence, which, among other things, were inspired by trips to and reflections at the lonely Käända manor. His first poems appeared in the press; the first poetry collection Urjamised (‘Offerings’, 1992) was published posthumously. His poetic creation has been gathered into the collection Öötrükid (‘Night Prints’, 2009) with a profound afterword by Lauri Sommer.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Urjamised. Tallinn: Kupar, 1992, 111 lk.
Öötrükid. Koostanud Lauri Sommer. Tallinn: Menu Kirjastus, 2009, 207 lk