Jaak Järv

Jaak Järv (17/5 April 1852 – March 1920) was a prose writer and columnist, the author of the first original Estonian novel Vallimäe neitsi (‘Virgin of the Stronghold Hill’).

Jaak Järv was born in Viljandi County and received his primary education at Rõhu in Nõo parish. Having studied independently, Järv passed the parish schoolmaster’s exam and worked as a schoolmaster. In 1876, he went to Viljandi, where he worked for Carl Robert Jakobson’s newspaper Sakala. In 1881, Järv acquired the newspaper Tartu Eesti Seitung, which he transferred to Tallinn in the following year and renamed it as Virulane. For example, Eduard Vilde and Juhan Liiv, the future leading authors of Estonian literature, also worked at his newspaper for some time. Järv continued Jacobson’s democratic trend, stood for the rights of the Estonian language and expressed his stance against the German landlords. As he dealt with the themes of the labour movement, he was accused of spreading socialist ideas and was expelled from the Baltic provinces in 1888, and Virulane closed down. After the end of his exile in Moscow, Järv returned to Tallinn where he engaged in business. At the beginning of the 20th century, Virulane also appeared for a while (under different new names) but no longer achieved its former popularity. In 1912, Järv returned to Moscow again where he lived until 1919 when he moved on to the Samara Governorate in Russia where he died in the spring of 1920 under confusing circumstances on the Dyoma River.

Järv started his literary activity in the early 1870s. In 1873, influenced by Lydia Koidula, he published the collection of poems Lillekimbukene (‘Little Bunch of Flowers’) with patriotic and sentimental motifs typical of the era. Järv was engaged in literary creation most of all during the days of Virulane when his poetry and prose depicting contemporary circumstances were mainly published in the newspaper’s supplement. His writings, for example the story Elsa, show his sympathy for the poor and the disadvantaged and criticism of the German landlords. Järv’s most important work is Vallimäe neitsi (‘Virgin of the Stronghold Hill, 1885), which is considered to be the first original Estonian novel. The action of the eventful historical novel with melodramatic elements mostly takes place in the years of the Great Northern War in Tallinn. The events are centred on the brave and noble girl Marta. The events revolve around the mystery of her birth and her life course. Clashes between Catholicism and Lutheranism play an important role in both this novel and the short story Ristitütar (‘Goddaughter’, 1891), which focuses on the Reformation movement. Karolus (1892), which reflects the St George’s Night Uprising in 1343, also depicts historical events. Järv’s works with their romantic and adventurous attitude, although schematic and black-and-white, were popular among the readers of his time.

Along with fiction, Jaak Järv published various pamphlets and enlightening journalism in which he became increasingly moralistic. While living in Russia in the last years of his life, he became interested in mysticism and spiritualism.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Wallimäe neitsi: Algupäraline romaan Eesti minewikust. Tallinn: Virulane, 1885, 372 lk [järgmised trükid: 1906, 1908, 1923, 1997]

Short prose
Ilm ja elu. 1. anne. Tallinn: A. ja J. Järv, 1890, 159 lk. [Jutud, õpetlikud ja teaduslikud kirjutised ja laulud].
Ilm ja elu. 2. anne. Tallinn: A. ja J. Järv, 1890, 158 lk. [Jutud, õpetlikud ja teaduslikud kirjutised ja laulud].
Ilm ja elu. 3. anne. Tallinn: A. ja J. Järv, 1890, 158 lk. [Jutud, õpetlikud ja teaduslikud kirjutised ja laulud].
Ilm ja elu. 4. anne. Tallinn: K. Busch, 1891, 158 lk. [Jutud, õpetlikud ja teaduslikud kirjutised ja laulud].
Ristitütar: Ajalooline jutustus Eestimaa Katoliku usu ajast. Tallinn: K. Laurmann, 1891, 96 lk [2. tr 1892]
Wõitluste tormis ehk Uus Robinson: jutustus ühe naesterahwa imelikust elust. Tallinn: K. Laurmann, 1891, 196 lk
Karolus: ajalooline jutustus Eesti minewikust. Tallinn: K. Laurmann, 1892, 136 lk [2. tr 1923]

Lillekimbukene: Esimene pihutäis 29 õies. Tartu: J. Järv, 1873, 35 lk

Itaalia tõetunnistaja Filoteo Giordano Bruno: Tema wahva wõitlemine ja hale surm. Tallinn: 1884, 24 lk
Inimesesoo häätegijad: Äratawad ja õpetlikud elulood suurtest häätegijatest. Tallinn: A. ja J. Järv, 1890, 150 lk
Joomise-katk ja wõitlemine tema wastu. Tallinn: A. ja J. Järv, 1890, 175 lk
Laste Palwe-Raamat: sünnis ja tululik ka kõigele noorele rahwale. Tallinn: K. Laurmann, 1891, 64 lk
Sõnumed hukatuse ja õnnistuse teelt. Tallinn: K. Laurmann, 1891, 72 lk
Waenlane söbra näol. Tartu: Ühendatud Eesti karskuseseltsid, 1892, 26 lk
Tunne iseennast!: Mötted ja töendused hinge suremata oleku üle. Tallinn: J. Järv, 1895, 58 lk
Naisterahwas süüpingis meeste ees. Moskva: J. Läte, 1912, 40 lk

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