Discussing Statehood and Secession on YouTube Late last year, I set up a YouTube channel focusing on secession and state creation. I had been thinking about it for a while, but finally took the plunge at the end of October. Almost five months later, here … #Blog Posts 05.03.2020
More Fuel to the Fire? Gas Discoveries and Political Implications in Cyprus Early last year, Exxon Mobile announced a discovery of gas fields near Cyprus. The sudden, albeit only projected, wealth has put people thinking about the future of the island. Among other topics – the political future of … #Blog Posts 26.02.2020
Is the Current Political Crisis in Abkhazia an Opportunity for Dialogue with Georgia? The ongoing political crisis in Abkhazia that saw the ousting of President Khajimba on January 12, 2020 has many parallels with the crisis in 2014. Both started in public disappointment with the incumbent president, escalated by protesters … #Blog Posts 03.02.2020
2019 in Review: ‘No Take Backs?’ ‘No take backs,’ is perhaps a staple of playground rules, but an improbability in international law. As politics change, powers wax and wane, and sketches of borders are erased and redrawn, the recognition of de facto states … #Blog Posts 14.01.2020
Conflict and Copper: The Path to Bougainville’s Independence Referendum On December 11, Bougainville, a semi-autonomous group of islands, voted overwhelmingly for independence from Papua New Guinea. If you’re scratching … #Blog Posts 17.12.2019
Practical Field Research in Conflict Areas: Cyprus Nicosia, the capital city of Cyprus, is an extremely pleasant and popular tourist destination. Walking along its many clean and vibrant streets, surrounded by passerby going about their daily lives in what must be one of the … #Blog Posts 11.12.2019
Practical Field Research in Conflict Areas: Kosovo In the center of the University of Prishtina’s (Kosovo) campus lie two contrasting buildings. One is the Church of Christ the Savior – a hollow, unfinished Serbian Orthodox Church bearing a golden cross. Less than one hundred … #Blog Posts 11.12.2019