Tartu Ülikooli seksuaaltervise uuringute keskus


The goal of the Sexual Health Research Center of the University of Tartu is to contribute to positive changes in the sexual and reproductive health of the Estonian population through its activities. We want to be a professional partner for various stakeholders, including government agencies, companies, and other organizations, providing advice and information for developing evidence-based interventions.

The Centre’s activities include research, development, and analysis of indicators in the field, as well as training, development activities, and public information work. At the moment, we mainly focus on researching the sexual health determinants of the Estonian population, promoting sexual education, and developing and analyzing services related to sexual violence.

The Sexual Health Research Center is at Tartu University Women’s Clinic (https://kliinilinemeditsiin.ut.ee/et/naistekliinik). It is part of the infrastructure of the University of Tartu Medical Clinical Research Center (http://www.ctm.ee/en/), which supports the center with various services.

The mission of the Sexual Health Research Center is to improve the sexual and reproductive health of the Estonian population through the development and implementation of evidence-based interventions.


Kai Part
Kliinilise meditsiini instituut
Seksuaaltervise uuringute keskus
kaasprofessor 0,5 k.
+372 56680778

Made Laanpere
Kliinilise meditsiini instituut
Seksuaaltervise uuringute keskus
kaasprofessor 0,5 k.
+372 5019588

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