Module 3: How to set up a Digital Civic Engagement Project

SDCE_3You have reached to the module three. Within this module, you will examine how to participate in Digital Civic Engagement activities. You will learn about different DCE examples as well as about the components of great digital civic engagement projects, how to get involved and how to use technology to get the very best results. This module also explains how to get started on your Digital Civic Engagement project journey.


Topics covered in this module:

Topic 1: What Do Great Digital Civic Engagement Projects Include?
Topic 2: Getting Involved In Your First Digital Civic Engagement Project/ Initiative
Topic 3: Using Technology To Enhance Your Civic Engagement Work
Topic 4: Designing/ Delivering Digital Civic Engagement Solutions


You will learn: 

  • to understand what makes a good civic engagement project;
  • how to get started with creating and getting involved with your own digital civic engagement project;
  • to understand how to create your own digital civic engagement project and make the first steps to become an established project;
  • about real life examples of how civic engagement projects have become established;
  • about various digital tools and how you might utilise them in the development/ progression of a digital civic engagement project;
  • to identify how digital technologies may influence the design and delivery of an DCE project, and how to implement it.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein.