Probleemipõhine õpe kõrgkoolis
Kasutatud materjalid ja lisalugemist
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- Jonassen, D.H. (2004). Learning to Solve Problems. An Instructional Design Guide.
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- McCall, I. (2010). Online enhanced problem-based learning: assessing a blended learning framework.
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- Prince, K.J., van Eijs, P.W., Boshuizen, H.P., van der Vleuten, C.P. & Scherpbier, A.J. (2005). General Competencies of Problem‐Based Learning (PBL) and Non‐PBL Graduates. Medical Education 39(4): 394‐401.
- Rutiku, S. (2014). Ülekantavate pädevuste arendamine kõrghariduses.
- Rutiku, S., Lorenz, A., Pedak. E. (2013). Projektipõhine praktika kõrgkoolis.
- Taradi, S. K., Taradi, M., Radi, K. and Pokrajac, N. (2005). Blending problem-based learning with Web technology positively impacts student learning outcomes in acid-base physiology.
- Tulving, E. (2002). Mälu. Tartu Ülikooli Kirjastus.
- Von Berkel, H., Scherpbier, A. et al (Eds) (2010). Lessons from Problem-Based Learning. Oxford University Press.
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