Career Hub

Welcome to the homepage of Career Hub!

We want you to use your university experience to get to know yourself, improve yourself and plan your future career. To help you do this, we have put together information and advice to support your individual learning pathway and career planning.

A career is about rewarding and fulfilling yourself through work. Career planning is about managing your life and making informed choices. To do this, you need to know yourself, to seek and explore opportunities, to plan, decide and act.

Self-awareness: it is important to be aware of your needs, abilities and skills, interests and personality traits, values and limitations in order to be successful in your studies and working life.
Exploring opportunities: it is good to be aware of different learning, work and activity opportunities, and of the links between and trends in the education and work sphere. Where to look for this information? Who can help with this?
Planning: by knowing yourself and knowing the different options available to you, you can set goals, make choices and decisions that suit you, and create a timeframe and action plan to manage your life consciously.
Action: once a plan is in place, it can be implemented and, if necessary, adapted or modified.

Shaping your career is an ongoing process, because we are constantly changing, both ourselves, with our goals and plans, and the world around us.

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