Juhan Voolaid

Juhan Voolaid

Juhan Voolaid (born 13 April 1971) is a writer and municipal official.

Voolaid was born in Tartu and completed Tartu Secondary school No. 1. He has studied geography at the University of Tartu. Juhan Voolaid belongs to the Estonian Writers’ Union since 2017. In 2021, he bore the title of the town writer of Tartu.

Juhan Voolaid has written books since 2008. Voolaid is knowledgeable about his hometown Tartu and its history and writes in a manner that provides information about Tartu and is entertaining to read.

He made his debut in 2008 with the science fiction book Erakordne info Maa elanikele (‘Extraordinary Information for the Inhabitants of the Earth’). Later, Voolaid concentrated on the theme of Tartu and memories. Sometimes, he broadens the geographical scope of his books and writes also about Tallinn and Pärnu. One of the main characters of the book Tartu 1971–1983. Jõmpsika mälestused (‘Tartu 1971–1983. A Rascal’s Memories’, 2020) is the author in his boyhood. The other main character is the Soviet-time town of Tartu seen through the eyes of that boy. In addition to books about Tartu in the author’s childhood, Juhan Voolaid has published three more books about Tartu: Hokimängija Tartu linnamüüril (‘Hockey Player on the Town Wall of Tartu’, 2014), Tartu õuduskaupmees (‘Tartu Merchant of Horrors’, 2016) and Tartu Jaani ürik ja elu mõtte räpane saladus (‘St John’s Manuscript of Tartu and the Dirty Secret of the Meaning of Life’, 2021).

Voolaid has also published a collection of short stories on sports topics, Ülikorvpalluri loomine (‘The Creation of a World-Class Basketball Player’, 2022), and Eesti tänapäevased muinasjutud (‘Contemporary Estonian Fairy-Tales’, 2023), intended for all ages, in which the classic characters of Estonian fairy tales, Vanapagan, the wise wizard of Lapland etc., are set to live in the modern world.

In 2012, Voolaid published the children’s book Kullamäe lood (‘Kullamäe Stories’), which is based on his father’s memories. Kommikoletis (‘Candy Monster’, 2022) mainly compiles children’s stories published in the magazine Täheke.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Erakordne info Maa elanikele. Konguta: Habemega Naine, 2008. 112 lk.
Juhan Voolaid, raamatu idee ja lapsepõlvemeenutused: Henn Voolaid, Kullamäe lood. Tartu: Atlex, 2012. 227 lk.
Hokimängija Tartu linnamüüril. Tartu: Atlex, 2014. 140 lk.
Supergripp Anton. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2015. 233 lk.
Ideaalne taies. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2016. 287 lk.
Tartu õuduskaupmees. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2016. 198 lk.
Läbilööjalammas ja marukoer. Tallinn: Hea Lugu, 2017. 239 lk.
Tuhastunud külavanem. Tartu: Kuuloom, 2018. 197 lk.
Tartu 1971–1983: jõmpsika mälestused. Tartu: Kuuloom, 2020. 252 lk.
Tartu Jaani ürik ja elu mõtte räpane saladus. Tartu: Kuuloom, 2021. 199 lk.

Kommikoletis. Tartu: Kuuloom, 2022, 74 lk. [Lasteraamat.]
Ülikorvpalluri loomine. Tartu: Kuuloom OÜ, 2022, 267 lk.
Eesti tänapäevased muinasjutud. Tartu: Kuuloom OÜ, 2023, 181 lk.

Photo albums
Aastaraamis Tartu = A year in Tartu. Tartu: Atlex, 2014. 103 lk.

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