Kristina Viin

Kristina Viin (born 22 XI 1985) is an artist, illustrator and poet.

Viin was born in Võru. She completed Võru Kreutzwald Gymnasium in 2004 and entered Tartu Art College in the same year. She graduated from the Art College in 2010 specialising in sculpture. From 2015–2020, she studied theology at the University of Tartu. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union (from 2020) and the Estonian Academic Oriental Society.

She has published the poetry collections Nõtkel elevandisammul (‘At the Graceful Pace of an Elephant’, 2014) and Isepüüdleja (‘Self-striver’, 2018). Viin’s poems have been published in the journals Looming, Vikerkaar, Värske Rõhk, in the newspaper Müürileht and in collections. She has written art reviews and articles.

Viin’s debut book Nõtkel elevandisammul was illustrated by the author. The texts of the poetry collection are full of South-Estonian landscapes; the poems are expressive and visionary. Among other matters, they deal with the hardships and joys of being a woman and mother. The characteristic keywords of the second poetry collection, Isepüüdleja, are the university, books, art, Tartu, social peculiarities of the present age.

Viin is a member of Delegatsioon K, a grouping of women artists related to Tartu. She has illustrated poetry collections, children’s books and other editions; her artwork has been displayed at exhibitions in Estonia and Finland.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Nõtkel elevandisammul: Raiste, Tartu, Lõõdla, Ähijärve, Tsooru. Tartu: Värske Rõhk, 2014. 77 lk.
Isepüüdleja: luuletusi ühest perioodist. Tallinn: Tuum, 2018. 91 lk.