Eia Uus

Eia Uus











Eia Uus (born 15.02.1985) is a prose writer.

She was born in Haapsalu, spent time as an exchange student in Thailand and graduated with a master’s degree in literary studies from Tallinn University. Among other things, she has worked as a project manager at Kuukulgur Film and in journalism. Since 2018, she is the head of the publishing house Postimees Kirjastus. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union since 2019. In the 2000s, participated young writers group Purpurmust Org.

Her debut novel, inspired by Sylvia Plath, Kuu külm kuma (‘The Cold Glare of the Moon’, 2005, the novel was recognized at a 2004 novel competition and was awarded the Eduard Vilde Prize) describes the inner world of a sensitive young woman studying in Thailand and her struggle with depression. Her years living in France are captured in Minu Prantsusmaa (‘My France’, 2013), the Minu-series of the publishing house Petrone Print, and inspired the novel Aasta Pariisis (‘A Year in Paris’, 2014).

The novel Tüdrukune (‘Girlful’, 2019, third place at the Estonian Writers’ Union novel competition) depicts the challenges women face in a masculine society, containing a fair share of social criticism. The female body, social norms and stereotypes, and traumas take center stage, but behind the scenes of politics and various social themes are important too.

A. K. (Translated by A. A.)

Books in Estonian

Kuu külm kuma. Tallinn: Varrak, 2005, 271 lk. [Teine trükk: 2018.]
Kahe näoga jumal. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2008, 187 lk. [Teine trükk: 2019.]
Aasta Pariisis. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2014, 263 lk.
Tüdrukune. Tallinn: Postimees Kirjastus, 2019, 271 lk.

Children’s stories
Seitsme maa ja mere taha, ehk, Lugu tüdrukust, kes kohtus muinasjutuga. Tallinn: Postimees Kirjastus, 2019, 54 lk. [Teine trükk: 2020.]

Minu Prantsusmaa
: elu nagu sirelivein. Tartu: Petrone Print, 2013, 326 lk. [Teine trükk: 2019.]