Silvia Truu (Silvia Astrid Truu, until 1936 Koch, until 1941 Koht; 16. XII 1922 – 5. V 1990) was a writer for children and young people.
She was born in Paldiski and educated in Nõmme and Tallinn. She worked in the editorial offices of the newspapers Rahva Hääl, Noorte Hääl and Nõukogude Naine, and at children’s radio broadcasts. From 1965 she was a professional writer. She was a member of the Writers’ Union from 1973. She died in Tallinn and is buried in the Tallinna Metsakalmistu (‘Forest Cemetery’).
She made her debut in 1947 with a radio play; her first children’s story appeared in the magazine Pioneer in 1951. These were followed by the children’s books Mõistata (Riddle, 1955), Ühed targad mõlemad (‘Both of Them Smart’, 1956) and Murra. Tõsilookesi koertest (Murra. True Tales about Dogs’, 1959). What may count as Truu’s major work is the cycle of Silja books: a series of tales for young readers with the same set of characters, dealing with the problems of growing up and developing one’s individuality, where real problems of life are addressed, such as alcoholism and its effect on family life. The theme of friendship and love plays an important part. The primary-school-aged young people in the first story, Silja, päikesekiir ja maailm (‘Silja, the Ray of Sunshine and the World’, 1967) reach early adulthood in the novel Peidus pool (‘Hidden Half’, 1977). The second revised edition consists of a cycle of five parts, which appeared in two volumes: Silja, päikesekiir ja maailm. Sünnipäevad (‘Silja, the Ray of Sunshine and the World. Birthdays’, 1967) and Peidus pool (1981: Kuu aega täiskasvanu – ‘Grown-up for a Month’ -; Merle; Peidus pool). Young people’s friendships and loves are also dealt with in the novel Oma suguvõsa Aadam (‘Adam of His Clan’, 1985).
In addition to the short stories published in Looming Silvia Truu also published a prose collection for adults, Saa nüüd neist inimestest aru (‘Try to Understand These People Now’, 1971), the story Pilvede kõrval toas (‘In the Room Beside the Clouds’, 1973), which tells the story of a widowed woman stricken with cancer, and the story collection Südamel ei ole kortse (‘The Heart Has No Wrinkles’, 1987), which focuses on living conditions of residents of old people’s homes. The setting for Truu’s short prose is the present day with its own problems, and human relations and wishes.
A. N. (Translated by C. M.)
Books in Estonian
Children’s literature
Mõistata: värsid. Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1955, 12 lk.
Ühed targad mõlemad: jutud. Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1956, 39 lk.
Murra: tõsilookesi koertest. Tallinn: Eesti Riiklik Kirjastus, 1959, 60 lk.
Silja, päikesekiir ja maailm. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1967, 139 lk. [2. trükk: 1982.]
Kuu aega täiskasvanu: jutustus. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1968, 160 lk.
Tere! Sind ma otsisin!. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1971, 148 lk.
Jeekim: tõsilugusid koertest. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1974, 144 lk.
Peidus pool: noorsooromaan. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1977, 152 lk. [2. trükk: 1981.]
Oma suguvõsa Aadam: noorsooromaan. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1985, 160 lk.
Short prose
Saa nüüd neist inimestest aru. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1970, 119 lk.
Pilvede kõrval toas: jutustus. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1973, 88 lk.
Südamel ei ole kortse: jutustused. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1987, 141 lk.