Kerttu Soans


Kerttu Soans (real name Kerttu Soans-Tammisto, born 9. X 1961) is a writer and journalist.

Soans was born in Tallinn. Her parents are the artist Olev Soans and poet Helvi Jürisson, her half-brother is Peeter Volkonski. She graduated from the 1st Secondary School in Keila in 1979. Soans studied to be an art teacher in Tallinn Pedagogical Institute. In 1992, after studying remotely at the University of Tartu, she graduated as a journalist. Soans has worked in Estonian Radio and publishing. From 1999, she is a freelance writer. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union.

Soans has written about ten children’s books. The first of them, Olivia ja esimene maailm (‘Olivia and the First World’) was published in 2003 and was also translated to Russian in 2005. Two of her children’s books are published together with Tia Navi’s (Tiia Kõnnussaare) children’s stories in the same volume.

In 2008, Soans’s novella for adult readers, Kui ma armastasin tislerit (‘When I Loved a Carpenter’), was published. For the book, the author cooperated with graphic artist Kadi Kurema, whose pictures inspired her to write.

She co-wrote the anthroposophical parenting book Indigolapsed: kas uus põlvkond? (‘Indigo Children: The New Generation?’) with Armen Tõugu. The book has been translated to Lithuanian, Russian and Hebrew.

Her collection Rääkiv plekk-kruus ja teisi raadiojutte (‘The Talking Tin Cup and Other Radio Stories’) was published in 2006 for the 80th anniversary of Estonian Radio.

L. P. (Translated by A. A.)


Books in Estonian

Children’s stories
Olivia ja esimene maailm. Järvaküla (Tartumaa): Väike Vanker, 2003, 67 lk.
Kruubi-Ruudi ja tema inimesed. Puhja: Väike Vanker, 2004, 66 lk.
Teistmoodi Sirel. Tartu: Väike Vanker, 2005, 88 lk.
Mari ja Jüri 10 ametit. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2007, 67 lk.
Külaline vannis. Põnevik. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2008, 83 lk.
Tere, Nööp!. Tallinn: TEA Kirjastus, 2008, 35 lk.
Tiia Kõnnussaar, Martti ja Kuldtiib; Kerttu Soans, Ingli kübaratrikk. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2009, 35+35 lk. [Tirelraamat.]
Käolehm ja tibu. Tallinn: TEA Kirjastus, 2010, 38 lk.
Tiia Kõnnussaar, Martti läheb kooli; Kerttu Soans, Suur või väike Ingel. Tallinn: Varrak, 2015, 43+41 lk. [Tirelraamat.]
Inimene puudlinahas. Tartu: Petrone Print, 2016, 140 lk.

Stories for adults
Kui ma armastasin tislerit. Tallinn: Ajakirjade Kirjastus, 2008, 72 lk.

Armen Tõugu, Kerttu Soans, Indigolapsed: kas uus põlvkond?. Eessõna: Tiiu Kuurme. Puhja: Väike Vanker, 2005, 224 lk.