Ivar Sild

About Ivar Sild Ivar Sild


Ivar Sild (born 24 March 1977) is a poet, journalist and critic.

Sild attended Tallinn Secondary School No. 47, Orissaare Boarding School for Special Needs Students and Luua Forestry School. He has studied Estonian language and literature at Tallinn University and has worked as a reporter for the Õhtuleht newspaper. Together with Jürgen Rooste and Wimberg, Sild was one of the core members in the literary grouping TNT (Tallinna Noored Tegijad – Young Doers of Tallinn) which was active from 1998–2000. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2002.

Ivar Sild’s first poetry collection Valimata luulet (‘Unselected Poetry’, 1996) was published when Sild was studying at Luua Forestry School. Sild has published 13 poetry collections. The predominating theme in his poetry is eroticism, along which there is a bit of social criticism. As his poetic language, Sild prefers modernist free verse.

An essential place in Ivar Sild’s creation belongs to gay themes. Sild came out as a gay in 1999 when it was still uncommon in the Estonian society. In 2007, Ivar Sild published the novel Tantsiv linn (‘Dancing City’), which has been defined as a club novel. Its two protagonists are a gay prostitute and a student of philology who is discovering his homosexuality. The plot of the novel somewhat resembles the film Open Your Eyes (1997, director Alejandro Amenábar).

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Valimata luulet. Jõgeva: I. Sild, 1996. 77 lk.
Pildimasin. Teine raamat, luuletusi ja poeeme 1996/98. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2001. 77 lk.
Minu erinnüsed. Kolmas raamat, poeeme 1998/99. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2002. 89 lk.
Usk, loodus, armastus. Neljas raamat, luuletusi 1998/99. Russalka (Tallinn): LauaPealne, 2002. 64 lk.
Siniveri ja surrogaat. Viies raamat luuletusi ja poeeme 2000. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2003. 93 lk.
Oletus. Kuues luulekogu, luuletusi ja poeeme 2000/01. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2004. 94 lk.
Spermaga ja puha. Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2006. 78 lk.
Diivan. Üheksas raamat, luuletusi 2007/2008. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2008. 76 lk.
Mutant kuurinurgas. Luuletusi 2013–2015. Saarde; Pärnu: Jumalikud Ilmutused, 2017. 111 lk.
Heinakõrred. Üheteistkümnes raamat, luuletusi 2015/2016. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2016. 88 lk.
Taas kasutu. Kaheteistkümnes raamat, luuletusi 20??–2018. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2018. 91 lk.
Näita mulle päikest. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2018. 58 lk.
Kohane matus. Neljateistkümnes raamat, luuletusi 2019/20. Alliku: LauaPealne, 2021. 91 lk.

Tantsiv linn. Tallinn: Tuum, 2007. 133 lk.