Liis Sein

Liis Sein (born 9 March 1983) is a children’s writer and playwright.

Sein was born in Tartu. She lived the first 13 years of her life at Rõngu where she attended the local secondary school. After the family moved to Tartu, she continued her education at Tartu Karlova Gymnasium. In 2005, Liis Sein acquired a BA in andragogy at Tallinn University and worked in this area for years, being head of training at the Estonian Academy of Security Sciences and Viljandi Culture Academy of the University of Tartu. From 2017, Liis Sein has worked as director’s assistant at the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre.

Sein wrote her first pieces during studies at Drakadeemia creative writing school in 2008. Since then, she has written several theatrical texts for adults, which have received honourable mention at the playwriting competitions of the Estonian Theatre Agency.

Most of all, Sein has written children’s books. The books meant for young readers are humorous and in simple language understandable for children. Sein’s books have been translated into Lithuanian and Russian.

Liis Sein has been a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2022.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Children’s books
Kuidas Saara suureks kasvas. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2017. 30 lk.
Vihmapilve suur soov. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2018. 32 lk.
Saskia otsib värve. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2019. 28 lk.
Kartlik rebasepoeg. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2021. 24 lk.
Maruvahva lasteaed: Haraldi ja Freia lood. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2021. 66 lk.
Minu linn. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2021. 34 lk.
Minu tulevik Eestis: 40 vahvat ametit. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2021. 64 lk.
Ilus karuema. Tallinn: Tammerraamat, 2022. 25 lk.
Mona isepäine isa. Tallinn: Pegasus, 2022. 86 lk.
Paberlaevuke. Laagri: Ärkel, 2022. 34 lk.

Kummardage lipud: Kaitseliidu Sakala maleva 100. ja Eesti Vabariigi 100. aastapäevaks pühendatud näidend. Viljandi: Sakala Malev, 2017. 63 lk.