Rein Sander

Poems Rein Sander

About Rein Sander


Rein Sander (born 3. XII 1945) is a poet and botanist.

Sander was born to a fisherman’s family in Tahkuranna parish, Pärnu county. In 1964, he graduated from Pärnu 1st Secondary School and in 1972, as a botanist from the biology department of Tartu State University. From 1972-1976, he worked as a laboratory assistant and senior engineer at the Institute of Zoology and Botany; in 1977, senior researcher at Lahemaa national park; from 1977-1985, the principal of Ignase tree nursey of Elva Forest Management Center; from 1985-1990, a gardener and agronomist at Järva-Jaani kolkhoz; and from 1990-1999, a consultant in the training department of the Estonian Farmers’ Federation. From 1983, he is also a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union. From 2000, he has been an entrepreneur at Kubja Herb Farm in Karinu village, Järva county, where he grows herbs.

Sander published his first poems in 1964 and his debut collection Piltkiri (‘Pictograms’) in 1976. The critics have noticed connections to Japanese zen poetry in his works. In Estonian literature, Sander’s works resemble Ernst Enno’s, who includes numerous references to the Middle and Far East and who was influenced by Maurice Maeterlinck. Sander’s following poetry collections continued with the ecology theme, earning praise from one critic who called them “green, fragrant, warm, and soft as a meadow of chamomiles”.

Sander has written numerous handbooks about Estonian nature and botany.

In 1986, he was awarded the Juhan Liiv Poetry Prize.

L. P. (Translated by A. A.)


Books in Estonian

Piltkiri. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1976. 76 lk.
Kolmikratas. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1978. 80 lk.
Igal linnul oma rohi. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1979. 24 lk. [Värsid koolieelikutele.]
Lemmiknukrus. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1981. 71 lk.
Magistraallabürint. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1984. 64 lk.
Vanakivi. Luulet 1972–1984. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 1987. 102 lk.
Mätta otsast. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2004. 150 lk.

Popular science (about plants)
Rein Sander, Arne Sellin, Ülane, sinilill, karukell. Tallinn: Valgus, 1986. 157 lk.
Metsast aeda: meie looduslilli. Tallinn: Maalehe Raamat, 2008. 88 lk.
Kubja Ürditalu ravimtaimed. Tallinn: Varrak, 2009. 260 lk.
101 Eesti puud ja põõsast: metsas, pargis, aias. Tallinn: Varrak, 2011. 222 lk.
Koduaia ilupuud ja -põõsad. Tallinn: Varrak, 2014. 287 lk.
Kubja Ürditalu teed ja ravimteed. Tallinn: Varrak, 2017. 205 lk.
Rein Sander, Kristel Kirss, Koduaia põõsad. Tallinn: Ühinenud Ajakirjad, 2021. 34 lk.