Ivar Soopan

Ivar Soopan

Ivar Soopan (born 10 December 1971) is a journalist and writer.

Soopan was born in Tartu. In 1993, he settled in Haapsalu and started working for the local newspaper. From 1998–2008, he was a journalist of the Päevaleht newspaper. Thereafter, he worked in Haapsalu again and, in 2010, was the chief editor of the newspaper Lääne Elu.

In April 2011, Soopan created his own news portal Läänlane. In addition to working for the portal, he was the correspondent of Estonian Public Broadcasting in Läänemaa and Hiiumaa Counties from May 2011. In March 2015, he started working for the newspaper Maaleht. In 2017, Soopan created Reisiportaal.ee, a website of tourism and travel news. From June 2021, he has worked as responsible editor at the enterprise Geenius Meedia.

Along with working as a journalist, Soopan has written books for children and young readers and published books on his travels as a journalist to the world’s crisis hotspots of wars or natural disasters.

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Youth books
Kõik poisid ei saa suureks. Tallinn: Eesti Päevaleht, 2008. 174 lk.
Head pahad poisid. Tallinn: Eesti Päevaleht, 2009. 155 lk.
Õhulossivanaisa. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2015. 91 lk.

Documentary books
Tappev uudishimu. Viis aastat Iraagi sõda – ajakirjaniku jutustus tööst kriisikoldes. Tallinn: Eesti Päevaleht, 2008. 297 lk.
Rännakud murtud maal. Reisid sajandi suurimate looduskatastroofide jälgedes. Tallinn: Eesti Päevaleht: Hea Lugu, 2012. 250 lk.

Seljakotiaabits. Tallinn: Eesti Päevaleht, 2010. 87 lk.