Reeli Reinaus

Children’s stories Reeli Reinaus


Reeli Reinaus (born 12 November 1977) is a children’s and young adults’ writer.

Reinaus was born in Keila, attended school at Kohila, studied at Tartu Academy of Theology and Estonian and comparative folklore at the University of Tartu where she acquired a MA degree. She has also completed MA studies at the Baltic Film, Media, Arts and Communication School at Tallinn University. Has worked at the University of Tartu, the Estonian Literary Museum and Tartu Academy of Theology. She is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union since 2012.

Reeli Reinaus entered children’s literature in 2008 with Saladuslik päevik (‘Mysterious Diary’), which received the second prize at Minu esimene raamat (‘My First Book’), a children’s stories competition arranged by the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre, the Täheke magazine and Tänapäev Publishers. As characteristic of Reinaus, the book is concentrated on mysterious and mystical events. Reinaus has also entwined magical elements into books dealing with young adults’ problems, for example, Morten, Emilie ja kadunud maailmad (‘Morten, Emilie and the Lost Worlds’, 2020). Her books include a broad variety of mythological and folkloric motifs, for example, in the book Maarius, maagia ja libahunt Liisi (‘Maarius, Magic and Werewolf Liisi, 2017), which earned the Good Children’s Book award and was chosen by The International Youth Library (Internationale Jugendbibliothek) into its The White Ravens catalogue. The adventurous trilogy Nõidkapteni needus (‘Sorcerer Captain’s Curse’, 2010), Poisid Mustalt Hobuselt (‘Boys from the Black Horse’, 2013) and San Agustini vereohvrid (‘San Agustin’s Blood Sacrifices’, 2017) have been inspired by pirate stories. The series Vanalinna detektiivid (‘Old Town Detectives’) – Mustpeade maalid (‘Paintings of the Black Heads’ Fraternity’, 2017), Verega kirjutatud kirjad (‘Letters Written with Blood’, 2018), Neitsitorni meedium (‘Maiden Tower Psychic’, 2020) and Niguliste muumia ja nõiamärgid (‘St Nicholas Church Mummy and Witch Signs’, 2021) – also belongs among popular thrillers and detective stories in Estonian children’s literature.

Mystical and magical subcurrents also entwine with reality in the novel meant for grown-ups, Une nägu (‘Face of the Dream’, 2005). Searches for self-fulfilment and human relations occupy an essential place in the novels Kliinilised valed (‘Clinical Lies’, 2013) and Praktiline nõiakunst (‘Practical Witchcraft’, 2013).

Reinaus has won many prizes for her books for children and young adults. At the children’s books competition Minu esimene raamat (‘My First Book’) in 2009, her Täiesti tavaline perekond (‘An Entirely Ordinary Family’, 2010) received the third place; in 2012, her book Aguliurka lapsed (‘Slum Children’, 2012) won the first and Detektiiv Triibik loomaaias (‘Detective Tabby at Zoo’, 2013) the second place, and in 2013 Roosad inglid (‘Pink Angels’, 2014) won a special mention. In 2015, Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai (‘How My Father Found a New Wife’, 2016) earned the first place. At the young adults’ novels competition organised by the Estonian Children’s Literature Centre and Tänapäev Publishers, Must vares (‘Black Crow’) won the first place in 2009; in 2011 Nahka kriipivad nädalad (‘Weeks Scraping the Skin’, 2012) received the second place and Vaevatud (‘Troubled’, 2011) the third place. In 2014, Suhkrust ja jahust (‘Of Sugar and Flour’, 2015) received the second place.

The titles of Good Children’s Book and Good Young Adults’ Book have been awarded to Detektiiv Triibik loomaaias (‘Detective Tabby at Zoo’), Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai (‘How My Father Found a New Wife’) Mõõkade mäss (‘The Revolt of Swords, 2017) and Roosi märgi all (‘Under the Sign of Rose’). Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai also won the children’s literature award of the city of Tartu in 2017 and was entered into the International Board on Books for Young People Honour List in 2018. Verikambi (2016) won the Järje Hoidja (‘Bookmark’) award of Tallinn Central Library. In 2018, Maailm, kuhu ma kuulun (‘The World Where I Belong’) won the first prize at the competition for children’s and young adults’ plays.

In 2021, Reinaus was among those who were selected to receive the writer’s salary in 2022–2024.

A. K. (Translated by I. A.)

Books in Estonian

Une nägu. Tallinn: Eesti Raamat, 2005, 254 lk.
Kliinilised valed. Tallinn: Varrak, 2013, 211 lk.
Praktiline nõiakunst. Tallinn: Varrak, 2013, 340 lk.

Tuhkatriinu. Kohila: R. Reinaus, 2005, 61 lk.
Vahtralehevaha. Tartu: R. Reinaus, 2011, 78 lk.

Children’s and young adults’ literature
Saladuslik päevik. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2008, 191 lk. [2. trükk: 2020.]
Mõistatus lossivaremetes. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2009, 231 lk.
Must vares. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2010, 224 lk.
Nõidkapteni needus. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2010, 372 lk.
Täiesti tavaline perekond. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2010, 189 lk.
Kivid, tulnukad ja sekt. Tallinn: Varrak, 2011, 237 lk.
Tavalised hambahaldjad. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2011, 159 lk.
Vaevatud. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2011, 307 lk.
Aguliurka lapsed. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2012, 252 lk.
Nahka kriipivad nädalad. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2012, 159 lk.
Detektiiv Triibik loomaaias. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2013, 175 lk. [2. trükk: 2017.]
Poisid Mustalt Hobuselt. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2013, 357 lk.
Deemoni märk. Tallinn: Varrak, 2014, 323 lk.
Roosad inglid. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2014, 210 lk.
Pärdik Päär ja hauaröövlid. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2015, 206 lk.
Suhkrust ja jahust. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2015, 247 lk.
Kuidas mu isa endale uue naise sai. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2016, 194 lk. [Järgmised trükid: 2017, 2020.]
Verikambi. Tallinn: Varrak, 2016, 350 lk. [2. trükk: 2017.]
Maarius, maagia ja libahunt Liisi. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2017, 220 lk. [2. trükk: 2020.]
Mõõkade äss. Tallinn: Varrak, 2017, 375 lk.
San Agustini vereohvrid. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2017, 392 lk.
Suusi ja kadunud uni. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2017, 32 lk.
Vanalinna detektiivid. Mustpeade maalid. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2017, 144 lk.
Vanalinna detektiivid 2. Verega kirjutatud kirjad. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2018, 144 lk.
Roosa märgi all. Tallinn: Varrak, 2019, 375 lk.
Morten, Emilie ja kadunud maailmad. Saue: Päike ja Pilv, 2020, 180 lk.
Vanalinna detektiivid 3. Neitsitorni meedium. Tallinn: Tänapäev, 2020, 144 lk.
Vanalinna detektiivid. Niguliste muumia ja nõiamärgid. Tartu: Ronk Ronk, OÜ, 143 lk.
Äralubatud. Tartu: Ronk Ronk OÜ, 2021, 440 lk.