Mait Raun

About Mait Raun


Mait Ando Raun (born Mait Hando Raun, 11. IX 1963) is a prose writer.

He was born in Tallinn, his father was Vallo Raun, a journalist and bibliophile. He graduated the University of Tartu with a degree in psychology. He has worked as a researcher, advisor, and journalist, but has been a freelance writer the longest.

Raun was active in movements and publications dedicated to regaining the independence of Estonia. From 1988, he was one of the leaders of the anti-Soviet enterprise Independent Information Center (Sõltumatu infokeskus); from 1988-1991, he was an editor at the magazine Heinakuu; from 1989-1990, an editor at the newspaper Muinsuskaitse Seltsi Sõnumid (‘Estonian Heritage Society News’), the almanac Eesti 2000 etc.

Since the early 1990s, Raun has been publishing essays and short prose. His first novel Kollane maja (‘Yellow House’) was published in 1994. He has published literary and culture-themed essays, and political essays and articles in magazines. He has written stories and novels about recent historical events, where the past often mixes with the present.

One of his most important works is the novel Wake Up (1998; afterword written by the renowned Estonian politician and two-time prime minister Mart Laar), in which the author describes his vision of Estonia’s close past in the years 1987-1988.

In 1988, Raun received the Essays and Articles Award of Looming magazine. In the 1994 novel competition by the publishing house Faatum, Raun’s novel Tuline ratas (‘The Burning Wheel’) was awarded third place.

He has also translated The recollections of the development of my mind and character by Charles Darwin into Estonian and a voluminous collection of Upanishads from old Sanskrit.

L. P. (Translated by A. A.)

Books in Estonian

Kollane maja. Tallinn: Kupar, 1994, 189 lk.
Kihutas läbi öö. Tallinn: UMARA, 1996, 152 lk.
Tuline ratas. Tallinn: Faatum, 1996, 310 lk.
Hobused. Tallinn: Kupar, 1998, 114 lk.
Wake up: naiivseid mälestusi ajaloost 1987–1988. Tallinn: SE&JS, 1998, 406 lk.
Suur Jaan ei ole inimene. Tallinn: MR Piller, 2001, 135 lk.
Vana Aabrami müsteerium. Tallinn: MR Piller, 2007, 216 lk.
Doktor Mööbi seiklused Inglismaal. Tallinn: MR Piller, 2008, 128 lk.

Aet Reintam, Kellahelin. Teksti üles märkinud kirjanik MR. Tallinn: MR Piller, 2008, 240 lk.

Armastuse lood. Tallinn: Boheem, 1997, 130 lk.

Kuningas Arnold: ajalookroonika. Tallinn: Akadeemia Trükk, 1999, 95 lk.

Õhtumaa pildid: Euroopa kultuuri minevikust ja olevikust. Tallinn: Ajakiri „Kultuur ja Elu“, 1993, 32 lk.
Sada sõna: meie rahva minevik, olevik ja tulevik. Tallinn: Faatum, 1997, 134 lk.

Mait Raun ja sõbrad, Kadunud maailm [artiklid]. Tartu: Iseseisvus, 2004, 107 lk.