Øyvind Rangøy


Øyvind Rangøy (born 15. V 1979) is a Norwegian translator and poet who has also published original poetry in Estonian.

Rangøy was born in Kristiansund in Norway. From 2000, he studied Estonian and Finno-Ugric linguistics at the University of Tartu, completing his studies in 2007 cum laude. Thereafter he studied Nynorsk written culture at Volda University College in Norway and acquired an MA degree in 2012. He has worked at the University of Tartu as a visiting lecturer of Norwegian language and literature. He is a member of the Estonian Writers’ Union from 2018.

Rangøy’s translations into Norwegian include Eeva Park’s novel Lõks lõpmatuses (‘A Trap in Infinity’) and Meelis Friedenthal’s novel Mesilased (‘Bees’, published in English as ‘The Willow King’). He has also translated poems of the Norwegian poet Knut Ødegård from Norwegian into Estonian. These poetry translations appeared in the bilingual Norwegian-Estonian collection Olin imiku nutt varisenud keldris (‘Eg var spedbarnsgråt i ein samanrasa kjellar’, ‘I was a Baby’s Weeping in a Collapsed Cellar’, 2018). In March 2019, Rangøy published Sisikond (‘Bowels’), a collection of his original poetry in Estonian. In the same year, he received the Betti Alver Debut Prize for this poetry collection. Rangøy’s second book of poetry was written in cooperation with Veronika Kivisilla and Adam Cullen and is titled Kolm sõlme (‘Three Knots’, 2020). In the same year, Rangøy published the collection of short stories Oled ikka veel see poiss. Ühe lapsepõlve fragmendid (‘You’re Still That Boy. The Fragments of a Childhood’).

L. P. (Translated by I. A.)

Book in Estonian

Sisikond. Tallinn: Vihmakass ja Kakerdaja, 2019. 60 lk.

Short prose
Oled ikka veel see poiss: ühe lapsepõlve fragmendid. Põltsamaa: Seitse Sõlme, 2020. 158 lk.